Well, we fixed the b***er! Jiggled the pump a few degrees around and suddenly it's firing nicely, just like it was before.
However, when I bolted the engine back together, I noticed it started whining at higher RPM. My neighbour and I didn't notice this before as we were only thinking of the idling engine.
From what I can tell, we've overtightened the timing belt - a high-pitched whine gets emitted from the front of the engine at Idle-Up speed and above; it's about 50% louder than the turbo. I read a warning not to overtighten the belt when changing it, but I guess we bolted up the tensioner too tightly.
I'm out of time to strip the engine back again, but I can get back to it in a few days. How damaging will it be to leave the belt like this and drive? Would I be risking the belt snapping/stripping teeth/dangerous damage? Or would it just knock a few hundred KM off the life?
Thanks in advance,
However, when I bolted the engine back together, I noticed it started whining at higher RPM. My neighbour and I didn't notice this before as we were only thinking of the idling engine.
From what I can tell, we've overtightened the timing belt - a high-pitched whine gets emitted from the front of the engine at Idle-Up speed and above; it's about 50% louder than the turbo. I read a warning not to overtighten the belt when changing it, but I guess we bolted up the tensioner too tightly.
I'm out of time to strip the engine back again, but I can get back to it in a few days. How damaging will it be to leave the belt like this and drive? Would I be risking the belt snapping/stripping teeth/dangerous damage? Or would it just knock a few hundred KM off the life?
Thanks in advance,