Just paid 80 quid for a aluminium and plastic radiator for my LN130 2.4td import, was wondering whether to send the thing back? The tanks at either end of the core are plastic, has anybody ever dealt with these types of rads, the same seller sells heads to, makes me wonder??
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plastic radiator?
Originally posted by 71royston View PostJust paid 80 quid for a aluminium and plastic radiator for my LN130 2.4td import, was wondering whether to send the thing back? The tanks at either end of the core are plastic, has anybody ever dealt with these types of rads, the same seller sells heads to, makes me wonder??
Originally posted by 71royston View PostJust paid 80 quid for a aluminium and plastic radiator for my LN130 2.4td import, was wondering whether to send the thing back? The tanks at either end of the core are plastic, has anybody ever dealt with these types of rads, the same seller sells heads to, makes me wonder??Eat.Sleep.Surf.Repeat.