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cold start misfire

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  • #16
    Originally posted by smurfL6 View Post
    had same problems with mine for a few months now, very slow on cold start. Changed fuel primer, fuel filter. New glow plugs,had new fuel line put from fuel tank. Had no time to look at it again, booked it into a garage and he thinks its the fuel pump. Im seriously thinking is it worth spending the money...............
    I have learnt alot matey with this problem.
    Fuel pump yes u might b right
    I've spent atleast £450 on this problem.Filters, primers, sensors, glowplugs, egr, injectors and bits n bobs.

    Last thing fuel pump theres nothin wrong that I can see that would go wrong unless it leaks and the timing.
    I'm going to do it tomorrow alter the timing by undoin two nuts and turning it opposite rotation the timing is slightly out on start up iv been told by diesel pump expert (p.f.jones in Manchester) Toyota use this company when they can't doit themselves.
    The mechanic said in stead of payin them £90 + vat y not do it my self

    Will post bk tomorrow n let u know


    • #17
      [QUOTE=tatts;742963]I have learnt alot matey with this problem.
      Fuel pump yes u might b right
      I've spent atleast £450 on this problem.Filters, primers, sensors, glowplugs, egr, injectors and bits n bobs.

      wot no batteries? does it fire first time from cold if its being jump started...? check that as it could be the batteries.

      my cold start problems were battery related - one poor connection (looked tight but wasnt) and one shagged battery resulted in poor start when cold.

      Its such an easy check to make, either get the batteries drop tested by Halfruads (free) or yourself (must be under load) or get a jump start, to check.
      If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


      • #18
        New batteries so doesnt need jumping turns over well even if it takes up to 4 attempts to start


        • #19
          Didn't think battery's could make the engine misfire once started and running ?
          suppose wouldn't Hert to get them checked

          But before there was a question asked is it worth it???????

          YES IT IS, IT'S A SURF

          Not had mine that long but i love it to bits


          • #20
            Solved the misfire problem
            It was the fuel pump timing

            Now it just takes a few seconds turnin the key to start so still need play around with it so many £'s later n it was just two nuts of a job but it payed for my experience with knowlage around the engin


            • #21
              Excellent! I love my Surf too, she's my second one. Just frustrated she wont play the start game every morning


              • #22
                Came across this while trying learn about this: http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/forum/v...ic.php?t=21315

                Might be worth trying this before you advance / retard the pump?

