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cold start misfire

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  • cold start misfire

    hi there iv been readin up on here with the cold start misfire problem people hav and i hav the same iv done most things
    glow plugs. ok
    relay. ok
    fuse. ok
    ecu. ok
    egr. shut off
    temp switch.ok
    think 2 things remain i had the injectors reconed ( supposably) it starts better but still misfires from left over nyt so dont no if he had me off n just washed them ? and the ecu diesel temp switch which i thought a warnin light would ov come on if not workin propper iv been told ?
    any body solved theres ?

  • #2
    I think I missed the original fault what are the symptons?


    • #3
      When 1st bought it fine then after a cuppel days later a little chug misfire in mornin then little longer evry day then after a hour or so of standing still would misfire with the smoke of course smells like um burnt fuel / oil . It starts with a flick of the key but u need keep the gas on a little ( turn the key it starts no prob but will cut out with no foot on the gas) when had the injectors done he rang me up said it's done not wright but starts easier he says now since he done it it stays the same still misfire in mornin n when engin cold even changed filter head filter n all usual bits people mention but stumped big time


      • #4
        When you say the glow plugs are ok, do you mean tested ok or renewed?
        When I bought my Surf the previous owner said it had new glow plugs
        fitted 2 weeks ago. Started fine for a while, then started missing and
        smoking abit on cold start, much the same symptoms as your getting.
        Turns out the new glow plugs where cheap and nasty. Fitted new better
        quality plugs and its been fine since.
        Still on a mission.


        • #5
          could be a clogged fuel filter or water in the fuel filter, on the bottom there is a little drain tap so you can let the water out release it and do it back up again and try again. you never know could be something simple as that.
          good luck.


          • #6
            tickover rpm too low


            • #7
              Fuel filter has been renued with a new filter head, got the glow plugs from roughtrax (ngk) which I thought would ov been good it was doin the same misfire on old 1s to ( but not tested ) could do with some 1 to show me the ropes with this truck on testing n readings for the elec side do u test them in or out 4 the best reading ?
              How do u alter the rpm tickover?
              Last edited by tatts; 13 October 2011, 08:01.


              • #8
                it had a replacement head not so long ago by the last guy who was a surfer it has been looked after turbo timer n intercooler n body lift n boost gauge fitted. yer it seams to run fine after warmed up n through the day just when left over 12hr period it starts with a flick of the key u just need to offer a littel gas for a second or to, to help it run with a littel gas or the idel up switch doesnt seam to misfire as mutch as when u put ur foot down u here it a lot more with the smoke but not a great deal a mist then goes doesnt cover the close in it where i live just on inspection again today i noticed a littel wet patch round the 3rd injector pipe lookin from the front n looks a littel wet round the intake manafold area cos when started it up this mornin there was a wet oily but clear patch underneath an the floor put mi finger there to sample n it tasted a bit like diesel this had happend 1ce b4 when i pickted it up n i thought it was fresh oil where he had topted it up then the problem started from then but the injectors was (socalled reconed by the local garage suppose to b a expert in imports) but dont think he can b trusted.its rely got me stumpted iv done as mutch as i can think of just waitin on the temp switch that goes in the block under the manafold then all i can think it is the injectors could do with a set that has been reconed propaly to swap over.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tatts View Post
                  it had a replacement head not so long ago by the last guy who was a surfer it has been looked after turbo timer n intercooler n body lift n boost gauge fitted. yer it seams to run fine after warmed up n through the day just when left over 12hr period it starts with a flick of the key u just need to offer a littel gas for a second or to, to help it run with a littel gas or the idel up switch doesnt seam to misfire as mutch as when u put ur foot down u here it a lot more with the smoke but not a great deal a mist then goes doesnt cover the close in it where i live just on inspection again today i noticed a littel wet patch round the 3rd injector pipe lookin from the front n looks a littel wet round the intake manafold area cos when started it up this mornin there was a wet oily but clear patch underneath an the floor put mi finger there to sample n it tasted a bit like diesel this had happend 1ce b4 when i pickted it up n i thought it was fresh oil where he had topted it up then the problem started from then but the injectors was (socalled reconed by the local garage suppose to b a expert in imports) but dont think he can b trusted.its rely got me stumpted iv done as mutch as i can think of just waitin on the temp switch that goes in the block under the manafold then all i can think it is the injectors could do with a set that has been reconed propaly to swap over.
                  Idonotwanttooffendbuticantnotr eadwhatyousayingjustahinthavey outriedpunctuationandmaybejust alittlelesstextspeak?


                  • #10
                    What? Id2ndthat! Av ya bin runin vegoilatall? Having to dab the throttle sounds like a lean mix issue, ecu? Or too much air in the tickover mix? Does anyone know about mapping? Ie different map for tickover? Maybe worth pulling the fuse for a minute to reset? Or i might be just talking nonsense. Someone will confirm soon i'm sure!
                    "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


                    • #11
                      Sorry peeps if I do waffle a bit.

                      Not ran vegy or bio yet.


                      • #12
                        Right bk on to it

                        Two things left to do now.
                        1. Injectors
                        2. Fuel pump timing

                        Done evry thin else I can do

                        The garage who did (did not) recon the injectors just swapted them with duff 1s
                        Pf.jones in Manchester tested them they squirted like a super soaker. So they gon recon them 4 me £145.

                        They told me if this don't solve the misfire then alter the timing on the fuel pump by turning it opposite rotation a fraction.


                        • #13
                          ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BioHazard View Post
                            Done that 1 aswell brand new from Toyota.


                            • #15
                              had same problems with mine for a few months now, very slow on cold start. Changed fuel primer, fuel filter. New glow plugs,had new fuel line put from fuel tank. Had no time to look at it again, booked it into a garage and he thinks its the fuel pump. Im seriously thinking is it worth spending the money...............

