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Repacing Fuel Pump Seal

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  • Repacing Fuel Pump Seal

    Hi All,

    I read the previous post from dazandcaz regards this issue and I was also wondering about a decent replacement for the o ring on the top cover. Mine was well and truly shafted so I removed it and measured it as per the website suggested by puddlesurfer:


    and I make it to be: 21.82 x 3.53

    Can anyone else corroborate this measurement?

    Is so then I will order some

    They have a minimum order value on this site so I would need to order 45 at 20 pence each which with their shipping and vat which comes to £15.00.

    Thus they are 33.3333 pence each. What I am proposing is if anyone else wants 1 or 2 they could pay me for them at that price plus a first class stamp. I have heaps of envelopes. What do you reckon? Would there be any interest?

  • #2
    Hi, sorry i didn't post any measurements but my friend who is going to loan me his digital vernier hasn't brought it yet. The o ring is still on the bench in my garage, as a temporary measure i went to the local motor factors and bought a handful of normal rubber o rings and fitted which suited the best. I dont know how long this will last but now i have been reminded i will try to confirm your measurements next week. By the way, the top seal and the ring seems to have cured my leak.


    didn't read the last bit....
    i would definatley buy a couple from you.
    Last edited by dazandcaz; 11 June 2011, 19:43.
    Non consternationes.

