Hi All,
I read the previous post from dazandcaz regards this issue and I was also wondering about a decent replacement for the o ring on the top cover. Mine was well and truly shafted so I removed it and measured it as per the website suggested by puddlesurfer:
and I make it to be: 21.82 x 3.53
Can anyone else corroborate this measurement?
Is so then I will order some
They have a minimum order value on this site so I would need to order 45 at 20 pence each which with their shipping and vat which comes to £15.00.
Thus they are 33.3333 pence each. What I am proposing is if anyone else wants 1 or 2 they could pay me for them at that price plus a first class stamp. I have heaps of envelopes. What do you reckon? Would there be any interest?