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  • Bubbling

    I've just come back froma bit of a drive and someone pointed out that there is a bubbling noise from under the hood.
    I lifted the bonnet and it sounds like it's coming from the front right (as I look at it) which is where I think the expansion tank is.

    The temp guage was reading OK, the oil pressure was OK, the engine warning light was not on.

    Is this likely anything to worry about ?

    In the morning I'll be checking my coolant levels and my oil level.
    I'll also be checking my expansion tank for signs of excessive expansion.

    I've never listened to the front of the car before, so it might do this all the time as standard ?
    I'd appreciate any comments though.

  • #2
    Originally posted by rob88
    I've just come back froma bit of a drive and someone pointed out that there is a bubbling noise from under the hood.
    I lifted the bonnet and it sounds like it's coming from the front right (as I look at it) which is where I think the expansion tank is.

    The temp guage was reading OK, the oil pressure was OK, the engine warning light was not on.

    Is this likely anything to worry about ?

    In the morning I'll be checking my coolant levels and my oil level.
    I'll also be checking my expansion tank for signs of excessive expansion.

    I've never listened to the front of the car before, so it might do this all the time as standard ?
    I'd appreciate any comments though.
    Bubbling is not a good sign I'm afraid. It can mean air or gasses are getting into the water. Excessive expansion can be caused by a faulty rad cap, but that wouldn't make bubbles, the water would just slowly rise in the bottle.


    • #3
      PETE is right im afraid. mine is doing the same. its going in tomorrow for head removal. but ive done 50,000 kms simce last April as i use my Surf for work & it covers a lot of miles. I love the surf & im prepared to have it fixed New head etc but it will be ok once its been done.


      • #4
        It looked like the fluid in the expansion tank was lower than the level of the pipe.

        So, I've topped up my radiator, and I've topped up my expansion tank to the correct level so the pipe is now submerged.

        After a few hours of driving round Dartmoor I had no bubbling at all.

        I can only guess the noise I heard was the fluid in the engine trying to expand into the expansion tank, but as there was no fluid in there it was just bubbling from the end of the pipe.

        The temp and oil guages were both reading fine on the whole journey and it all seems good.

        Fingers crossed that it was just another head red herring.


        • #5
          hmmmm.... just had a new head, but have similar bubbling. Any ideas?
          I'd rather be scared to death than bored to death


          • #6
            Originally posted by Big Jonah
            hmmmm.... just had a new head, but have similar bubbling. Any ideas?
            If you've just had it done by someone else you need to go back and get it checked out.


            • #7
              Thanks. Nothing is ever simple!
              I'd rather be scared to death than bored to death

