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2.4 Auto Gearbox trouble!!

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  • 2.4 Auto Gearbox trouble!!

    Hi everyone.

    My 1990 2.4 TD has just developed what appears to be a gearbox problem. When it is cold it seems to drive and change gear fine, but once it is warmed up it wont change up through the gears and will only crawl along at 20mph. I have tried manually going through the gears, pressing the economy button, in and out of O/D and revving the engine and dropping the revs, but all to no avail.

    I have checked the transmission fluid, whilst the engine was warm and running, and the level is fine. I have just returned from a local test drive to try and pinpoint the problem. I did all the above, but I just had a long tailback behind me, and to put the icing on the cake, it wouldn't reverse so I had to push it onto the drive!!!

    It has just come back from the garage last week, where it had a new radiator and oil cooler fitted. Is it a coincidence?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.



  • #2
    What type of cooler, transmission fluid or engine oil?

    Is the O/D light blinking slowly?

    Was it working fine after the cooler was fitted and the problem has started recently?


    • #3
      It was an engine oil cooler change, no lights have been flashing at me and the problem has only started yesterday evening. I have had it back since Tuesday and have been driving around in it since then, but only short journeys.

      The girlfriend was out in it at the time and it sounds as though she witnessed the start of the said problem, although I didn't believe her and insisted it was her driving!!


      • #4
        Is the transfer lever pulled back towards the driver's seat?

        sounds like it could be in low range, you know what girls are like playing around with knobs.


        • #5
          I did think that!!

          I took it for a drive and it seemed fine, but like I said, as soon as it warmed up, the symptoms got progressively worse until I had to limp home at 20mph!


          • #6
            Check the EFI coolant sensor plug is still connected, it might have fallen off. It's under the intake manifold on the block.


            • #7
              Thanks for the help. I've gone out and checked, but I can't see anything unconnected.


              • #8
                I've read a few threads about similar symptoms, is it possible the engine ECU is faulty?

                I'm assuming the the engine ECU would affect the gearbox if it had a fault.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by steve001 View Post
                  I've read a few threads about similar symptoms, is it possible the engine ECU is faulty?

                  I'm assuming the the engine ECU would affect the gearbox if it had a fault.

                  Definitely seems like a sensor or other electrical fault.
                  The transmission ECU is a seperate item in the 2.4, it's behind the driver's side kick panel.

                  You can eliminate the electrical side of transmission operation by unplugging the multi-plug on the driver's side behind the selector switch, and shifting gears manually, i.e. start off in L then shift to 2 then D.


                  • #10
                    Thanks again for your help.

                    Would a sensor fault only become apparent once the gearbox/engine are warmed up, as it seems to be okay when it is cold?

                    just to illustrate, earlier on today after a failed test drive I had to push it onto my drive because it wouldn't reverse. I tried it about an hour or so later and it was okay.


                    • #11
                      Thats why I asked about the coolant sensor under the inlet manifold, it senses the coolant temperature (obviously) before allowing the transmission to shift into top gear or overdrive, it may have something to do with your problem.
                      Was it the main radiator that got replaced? are the transmission cooler hoses on there secure with no kinks?


                      • #12
                        It was the main radiator that was replaced and there are no kinks in any of the pipes that I can see.


                        • #13
                          Similar prob???

                          Hi Guys, sorry to butt in, I've only just joined and have no idea how to use this site yet I have a very similar prob, my engine check light is on almost all the time yet mostly drives ok for short runs, but when goin down the M6 after an hour from start mine went down to 30 (oh gods the embaressment) soon as I got off M6 she seemed to run ok again, then drivin back - torrential rain - flew back, pullin at 75/80 mph uphills goin back to leeds. I'm goin down south again weds and dreadin the same thing happenin, any ideas on why she is doin this or what I can tell my machanic to look for?
                          Cheers, Chrissi


                          • #14
                            change fuel filter and blow the fuel lines through back to the fuel tank but remember to have the fuel filler cap removed when you blow the lines through
                            I'M ALWAYS IN THE SH'T, IT'S ONLY THE DEPTH THAT VARIES!!!!!!!!


                            • #15
                              Many thanks

                              Cheers will tell my machanic and let you know how it goes

