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Radiator leak

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  • Radiator leak

    I think I know what people are going to say but I live in hope.

    I have just noticed a small leak from the radiator. It seems to be coming from the top right hand corner and running down.

    I was hoping it was just the radiator but after reading a few of the other topics, am now thinking could be something a bit more.

    Could it just possibly be just the radiator?

    Hope so.

    Any help would be most appreciated as I have to travel 400+ next saturday.

    Thanks again

  • #2
    Originally posted by Phoenixm
    I think I know what people are going to say but I live in hope.

    I have just noticed a small leak from the radiator. It seems to be coming from the top right hand corner and running down.

    I was hoping it was just the radiator but after reading a few of the other topics, am now thinking could be something a bit more.

    Could it just possibly be just the radiator?

    Hope so.

    Any help would be most appreciated as I have to travel 400+ next saturday.
    Thanks again
    Hi and welcome to the mad world of surfing. Is it just a tiny weep, if so don't worry about it to much mines been like that since I've had it just check coolant level reguarly. This seems to be a comon problem with the radiators. In time you will need to replace the rad.
    I'm a custard donut monster


    • #3
      the leak was just small and i have just been out and drove for around twenty minutes and checked again. It doesnt seem to of leaked anymore.

      I am going to on a long drive tomorrow and see what happens after that.

      The temp doesnt move much and there isnt any pressure on the hoses.

      Hopefully the radiator is the problem and i can sort that after i get back.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Phoenixm
        the leak was just small and i have just been out and drove for around twenty minutes and checked again. It doesnt seem to of leaked anymore.

        I am going to on a long drive tomorrow and see what happens after that.

        The temp doesnt move much and there isnt any pressure on the hoses.

        Hopefully the radiator is the problem and i can sort that after i get back.

        It should be fine I did a 650 mile round trip with mine towing car trailer and car + surf loaded with tools and spare wheels with no problems.
        I'm a custard donut monster


        • #5
          Cheers mate i feel a bit better now.

          I am keeping my fingers crossed anyway.


          • #6
            was talking to "Driver" at uxbridge and he pointed out a few that had been patched in the top right.... seems to be a common fault as there were quite a few like it!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              My rad has FOUR pin holes in it, tiny little ones that just weep, I tried liquid metal and leak fix (which look the same) they didnt work, in the end I used Araldite which has worked.
              ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


              • #8
                My rad has the same weep too. Definitely a common problem.
                Pin holes by the top hose. It looks like some have been brazed at some point in the past and now others have appeared.
                Had her 10 months now and it has'nt got any worse so I have just left it alone. Hardly using any coolant.
                I was considering trying solder do you think this would work??
                One day my paranoia will go away!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by icsys
                  My rad has the same weep too. Definitely a common problem.
                  Pin holes by the top hose. It looks like some have been brazed at some point in the past and now others have appeared.
                  Had her 10 months now and it has'nt got any worse so I have just left it alone. Hardly using any coolant.
                  I was considering trying solder do you think this would work??
                  i think they use silver solder to do them usually... must have a higher melting point... regular solder wouldn't be hard enough
                  nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                  • #10
                    Just been out for an hour drive, the thing isnt leaking anymore.

                    Very strange, any one any ideas?

                    It has me puzzled, why would it start leaking the stop?

                    And yes there is still coolant in it. Ha ha

