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Heater controls

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  • Heater controls

    Hi, just been pokin' about trying to get my heater fan to work properly. I only have the two highest speeds. I think the resistor pack is burnt out. Can these be repaired or does any one have a good one for sale, failing this if anyone knows the toyota part number i could go and see my local friendly dealer. Sorry nearly forgot, it's a 91 2.4 pre-facelift the resistor is bulkhead mounted with 4 terminals.
    Non consternationes.

  • #2
    I rebuilt mine, the same deal, only the top two working.

    I have tons of the resistors left over so if someone can let you know what is needed before I get a chance to pull my resistor pack out and check then I'll dig them out. It's easy to do as long as your soldering skills are reasonable.

    I do remember that with the resistors I have I had to use 4 (there are only settings that use the resistors the fastest one is 'straight though' full power) in order to replace them as they came out but that made it easier to build the block and insert it in my case.

    The originals are fat wires that the heater air blows over to keep cool and they break due to corrosion and vibration. The ones I have are solid ones that will fit in if they are soldered at 90 degrees and should never break.

    You are more than welcome to some if you'd like to have a go?


    Last edited by lord_flashart; 19 December 2010, 22:50.
    I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


    • #3
      I would love some of the resistors, my soldering skills are spot on so a repair would be great. If you have some idea what size you used i could experiment a little and i suppose the fan speeds dont have to be exact. I could paypal you if thats the best. If you want to let me know the details my email is dazandcaz@blueyonder.co.uk
      Non consternationes.


      • #4
        I'll pull the unit out tomorrow and take some pics and notes on impedance if I can.
        The post will be a problem getting them to you before Xmas I expect but I'll sort something ASAP.

        I forgot to pay my subs this year it appears so you can't PM me so I'll report back here.


        I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


        • #5
          Mine was the same but it turned out the iso block on the back of my unit was melted my prob was the fan the bushes were warn so drawing more ampage to run which in turn burnt the unit out. Phoned Toyota and the new control unit was £387 so I hard wired my fan to a rocker switch instead with a higher amp fuse but i will have to change it soon as it's starting killing 30amp fuses now. if you can't mend yours there is a unit on eBay now for £26 unless anybody on here has a cheaper one.


          • #6
            Sorry lord flashhart for the delay in replying, i've been having some right trouble logging on. It would be great if you could get the pictures or resistances, i know in this weather it's a pain to be muckin' about outside though.Let me know how much for the components and postage. If you need just email me on the address on previous message. I am very grateful for your help as the gale-force blowers do wear a bit thin and it's one more thing fixed on a very long list!
            Non consternationes.


            • #7
              Hi, Sabreuk thanks for info. I'm going to try to repair the resistor pack but after your suggestion i will measure the fan current on top speed before fitting it. Dont want to burn it out once it's fixed. Any idea what the fan is normally fused at? i'm not even sure where that fuse would be.
              Non consternationes.


              • #8
                I have to apologise in return, I was not able to get the pics together for you today but I'll try to make sure I do it tomorrow.


                I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dazandcaz View Post
                  Hi, Sabreuk thanks for info. I'm going to try to repair the resistor pack but after your suggestion i will measure the fan current on top speed before fitting it. Dont want to burn it out once it's fixed. Any idea what the fan is normally fused at? i'm not even sure where that fuse would be.
                  i think its either 10amp or 15amp not sure off hand, have a look on your fusebox cover by the footwell on driver side it will tell ya what rating the fuse is.


                  • #10
                    Cheers sabreuk, will double check before i meter current consumption.

                    Non consternationes.


                    • #11
                      hiya, Lord flashhart. Just wondering if you've had time to have a look at the blower resistor pack yet? i'm hoping to get a few odd jobs done now the weather manages to get just above freezing in the day. One of the things i'm also hoping to do is fit an extra main rad fan ready for some caravaning next year. Just noticed that you're from weymouth, i'm hoping to go there at easter with said caravan as we had a great time there last easter but the kids were gutted when we couldn't go up portland lighthouse due to maintenance works.

                      Anyway, my mind wanders! if you could let me know about the repair, it would be a great help.

                      Non consternationes.


                      • #12
                        Really sorry this has taken so long but the info is coming, I'm in real danger of being seriously useful for a change!!

                        Pics will follow shortly (already taken them) and then the resistors used (need to find multimeter!).

                        Back in a sec,

                        I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


                        • #13


                          I'll find the multimeter and get back to you again.


                          I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


                          • #14
                            ....and finally the circuit diagram.


                            They won't read exactly as resistors have a tolerance (these are 10%) but they are close enough. The figures in brackets are what my setup measures.

                            The 2.2Ω and 4.7Ω are a single resistors with the correct ratings which is easy but I am using 2x 6.8Ω in parallel for two reasons, one is to get the 3.3Ω rating as I don't have any (3.4Ω to be pedantic!) and the second reason is that is builds nicely into a cuboid shape which makes the ceramic shells into a great heatsink.

                            If you still want them where do I send the resistors? I don't want any money for them, I'm justglad to help.


                            Last edited by lord_flashart; 30 December 2010, 23:22.
                            I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


                            • #15

                              Great pics and diagram, nice neat repair aswell. Took mine out to have a look at it and the old resistor coils are not much more than dust. It's a pig of a job to get the screws back in the bulkhead opposite the fan, i think my fingers are too sausage like
                              I have emailed you my details
                              Thanks muchly
                              Non consternationes.

