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Overheated last night! :(

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  • Overheated last night! :(

    Just when I thought the Surf was running OK ..........

    Driving home last night, engine temp goes up pull over and there's air being released into the coolant tank, bubbling away. wait a bit and try to ease the pressure a bit by easing off radiator cap, water sprays out. Top up with some water, drive to garage just make it as temp goes up. Wait a bit fill up with more coolant try squeezing hoses then leave radiator cap off and drive a bit. Few miles all heats up engine check light comes on and I pull over all very hot. Green flag take me home.

    So I've checked the oil stick and there's no white creamy stuff same in coolant tank. So kinda hoping not the head or gasket. Could it be the water pump?
    I'm reading a few threads on this today but got work all evening today and all tomorow so limited time to get out to do much till friday, so any pointers would be good.

    Thanks Folks

    Think I may need a haynes puzzle book to help guide me on this one is there one for my LN130 import?

  • #2
    Replace thermostat and radiator cap. Refill cooling system, bleed and try again. If it still happens, then you probably have a cracked head. It will not show up as coolant in oil or oil in coolant. They crack between valves and this is where the coolant galleries are, so combustion gasses overpressurise the cooling system. Radiators are built for about 13PSI operating pressure for the cooling system so imagine what 450PSI does to it.



    • #3
      just trolling thru the posts and thought you might be interested in this all the credit should go to WOLFRACE
      ""Alternatively, wait for the engine to be cold. Like overnight cold.
      Open bonnet, remove rad cap and start her up. Might be very lumpy to begin with as water is drawn into the cylinders.
      rev the engine from the throttle cable in the engine bay and look at the coolant in the rad. If there is smoke (looks like steam), tiny "fizzy" bubbles that then lead to foam and eventually overflowing masses of foam and water, then I can pretty safely say the cooling system is being pressurised. If its from a cracked head is another matter to confirm, but in 99/100 cases I've read about it is the head, not the gasket....
      Good luck and if it is the worst case scenario don't forget to "burp" the system afterwards - Free trapped air in cooling system. Mine decided to "belch" nearly 1k miles after having the head done spraying coolant all over the engine bay again.... Saying I $hit myself that the head had gone again was an understatement!""
      this seems to be the most concise and easy way for you to check and here is hoping you don't have to get a new head?


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies, It'll have to wait till Friday to check but I'll have a see then.

        Hope I'm not back on asking about how to change the head!!



        • #5
          @ Shokenore

          Thanks shokenore, saved me writing out all that stuff again!

          @ OP. Please do the bubble test first. Unfortunately it is unlikely to be a dodgy stat or rad cap, although they do fail. I replaced mine as par the course and the difference in spring pressure holding the new cap in place is considerable.
          "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


          • #6
            Thanks for the advice, I'm going to look at it on saturday, when I can have a good drink after if the heads gone!

            Been looking in advance at costs and as I really want to keep the surf think I may have to learn and do it myself.


