my mate bought this surf cheapy cheap for 6tonne. advertised to have a dead turbo, went to view, drove really well considering, bit of smoke an what not, temp creeps up if you try and boost her up, he has run round in it for a week or so no worries with turbo on order, sadly last sunday a big bang. she sounds dead, knocks and rattles. to me it sounded to me like bottom end crank problems due to extent of the noise and white plumes from rear, some one has said it maybe a dead injector, as a dead injector can cause similar metal on metal sounds. we have got new shells to re do the bottom end but not started it yet. bizarre noise and hard to pin point where the noises are coming from, sounds like a bag of spanners. anyone had anything similar on a 2.4 or shine any light, dont want to re do bototm end if it could be something else, as its not a msall job on one of these. cheers.
oh and there is stil oil pressure... bottom end went wouldnt it lose oil pressure???
tickling our minds, any help be great guys, Dan
