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Diff wind up

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sancho View Post
    Did you actually read post #10 above, Mr Grumpy Pants?

    Originally posted by Nostromo View Post
    Lets start again.
    The previous owner used the surf for shopping and probably had no idea when to use 4wd so probably used it on the tarmac when we had a bit of drizzle on a saturday morning.
    I on the other hand have only put in in 4wd when on slippery roads with snow and ice and noticed that the steering was juddery and groaning on full lock at this time.
    I fully understand when to use 4wd, high and low ratio etc I just wondered if anyone new how to cure the problem commonly known as diff wind up.
    Not too bothered about the technical terms or science behind it, just dont want to break anything.

    Does anyone have the genuine answer to this question.
    Is it to reverse a way
    Just drive in 2wd for a bit (if this is the answer then it hasn't worked in the past 6 months of normal 2wd driving)
    Jack up the front end and let it "unwind istself"
    or other.

    Funny, you can ask anyone when not to use 4wd and every one is an expert and says "only use on slippy stuff or you will wind the diff up"
    When you ask if anyone knows how to cure this problem then nobody is the expert, you get half a dozen different answers and nobody can even agree what the term diff wind up means.

    Genuine answers on the back of a post reply please.
    "Que long silence"
    jeeze, for the last time... YOU CAN'T UNWIND A DIFF!!! nothing is 'wound up'
    (apart from me!) if it dosn't come out of 4wd when you press the button, then something is jammed in the t/case or the front axle, due to having no diff in the t/case and going round corners, usually refered to as being 'wound up'. normally when you come to rest, or just select reverse and wiggle the steering it pops out.

    It might have damage to the CV's, from being left in 4wd and used on a dry road for a long time or just general wear, it might not, but thats not what you asked, you asked how to unwind a diff, having mistaken a misleading term used on here for discribing what happens when you can't get it out of 4wd or the truck won't move forwards on full lock.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #17
      When I first got my truck (when they were still rare), I didn't know anything at all (not alot has changed since then really, I just have a list of phone numbers now). As such I ran for a full month on normal surfaces with 4wd on (I can hear the crying at back). The only problem occured when using tight steering, I now know this is because the wheel on the inside is being driven faster than it is covering the road surface. This resulted in a result similar to abs cutting in but in reverse as the wheel span slightly as it broke grip with the road, and a judder through the steering wheel simular to what you get through the brake pedal with abs.
      If this matchs your problem then you're still getting too much grip at the tyres, and need to deselect 4wd, or use wider corners so you're useing less steering lock.

      The next question is does your truck do this judder and groan when you're in 2wd, if so check you power steering belt and pump, as if they are loose or on the way out you can also get the symptons you've described.

      Finally to reverse diff wind up simply switch off 4wd, sometimes it can stick on, which can be resolved by reversing (in a straight line).

      Hope this helps you a bit.
      Last edited by Maverick; 5 January 2010, 13:59.
      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nostromo View Post

        "Que long silence"

        largo silencio es de oro


        • #19
          Who's the Parrot then ??

          Polly want's a cracker .....

          There's always a Payback .. Cos ya don't know where n ya never now when !1
          Buncefield Burner


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sancho View Post
            Did you actually read post #10 above, Mr Grumpy Pants?
            Yes, also read post 2-6 hence the confusion.
            Sorry to TonyN who obviously gave me the best information so thanks for that, Didn't mean to wind anybody up.

            Maverick, yes they are the symptoms that my truck has and no it doesn't do it in 2wd so i will also take your advice on board.

            Anyway, not been grumpy (even though I have been accused in the past, I'm so misunderstood, may need therapy) hence the smiley faces but you must admit that whenever anyone asks for advice on a forum its very rare you get a straight a forward answer. More often then not the replies will stray so far from the point that by the end the subject matter has changed completely.

            Last edited by Nostromo; 5 January 2010, 20:26.
            In space no one can hear you scream

