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  • Kenlowe?

    Hi Guys,

    I'm thinking of fitting a Kenlowe electric fan to my 2.4 surf, to replace the viscose fan (better MPG/engine will warm up quicker) has anybody done this?
    I've tried searching but can't find anything.
    Is it a worthwhile modifiation? What size would be best? Is the job a major headache?
    Is it even a good idea? I know these cars are prone to overheating and cracking the head.
    I've only had the car a few weeks and it's always been cold out, so i have no idea how the car behaves in warm weather.
    On a long or short drive the car is great, temp gets to middle of gauge and just sits there (even at 70-75)
    Should i cool the ATF as well? I've seen people on here have done that - I don't tow anthing (no towbar) but i want to avoid any issues come summer

    I am loving my Surf, It's the first car i've had since i was a Kid that I actually want to modify and look after - normaly as long as the car works properly, i leave it alone!
    “Do or do not... there is no try.”

  • #2
    scroll to the bottom of this page and there's some links to kenlowe fans or do a search and you should find some threads also


    • #3
      Having fitted one in August I would say go for it.
      I will say however that I fitted my 17" Kenlowe as well as the viscous fan.
      I rebuilt the VF first, then fitted a temperature gauge, and fitted the Kenlowe a week after that, so as I could see what the temp. was pre and post Kenlowe.

      At the end of the day, the VF is a drag on your engine, consumes fuel, makes it warm up more slowly, and takes up space, but at least it will always work, even if it dumps all the fluid out and is grossly inefficient. An electric fan will fail at some point, then you are truly stuffed.

      Mine was easy, as I removed the aircon, so the fan fitted in its place. I went for 1 fan rather than 2 smaller ones, as the air displacement by comparison is huge.

      I also made sure I fitted the manual override switch, and a second override 3 position switch which allows me to

      1) let the fan run on with the ignition off
      2) disable it completely (to save fingers)
      3) run only when the ignition is switched on

      ... as I found very quickly that the fan would run for ages on a hot day once the engine was switched off, so I wanted to allow it to cool without the voltage drop making the alarm go off. It will actually run then cut out then run again several times if you leave it in mode 1). I prefer leaving it to run like this (especially with 2 batteries) as I a firm believer that it dissipates the heat which otherwise ust sits there and keeps rising to the top of the rad.

      All been working perfectly for nearly 6 months.

      My only regret is installing a digital temp. gauge, which makes me worry every time it is 1-2 degs. higher than usual. Surfs make you heat-paranoid!
      1996 3.0 diesel SSR-G Auto

