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Further to oil&coolant leak

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  • Further to oil&coolant leak

    Hi all

    Just to let you all know that the new coolant filler cap seems to have cured all woes !! touch wood !

    Level does not seem to be dropping any more and expansion tank not overflowing.

    Still got oil leak down the left side of the block though, under the inlet manifold. Can anyone shed any light on this ?? Does the oil feed to the head come up this side ?

    Cheers guys


  • #2
    The oil feed to the head on a 2.4 comes up one of the head bolt holes to feed the camshaft which is hollow so oil flows through it and seeps out through the bearings.
    As you look into the engine bay from the front the oil feeds up the left side at the very front of the head.
    see photo
    Attached Files
    If it aint broke...........give it some more abuse!!!!!!!!
    I gave it some abuse.................and it broke!!!!!!!


    • #3
      Thanks smurf for the piccy.

      But is this a known prob ?? or anything to worry about ??

      It still goes ok and is not leaking badly enough to drip on the floor so its gonna get left until it does !!

      It would be nice to know tho ..........




      • #4
        I seem to remember mine was a bit wet with oil in that area before i did the head, not sure where it came from though so not much help. Just keep a close check on it and your oil level!!
        If it aint broke...........give it some more abuse!!!!!!!!
        I gave it some abuse.................and it broke!!!!!!!


        • #5
          That was more or less the conclusion I came to as well.

          If it ain`t broke , don`t fix it !!!


          • #6
            oil leak

            Mine is exactly the same, under inlet mainfold, never seems to get any worse so will leave it.

