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Fuel Pump

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  • Fuel Pump

    Im getting my surf back from the garage (Head replaced) on Saturday. The mechanic is saying that it isn't running at full speed and reckons the fuel pump is causing this. He said that a new fuel pump is approx 1000.00 to get replaced. Why so much?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Barnabyp
    Im getting my surf back from the garage (Head replaced) on Saturday. The mechanic is saying that it isn't running at full speed and reckons the fuel pump is causing this. He said that a new fuel pump is approx 1000.00 to get replaced. Why so much?
    Think that the guy is talking out of his hole. I think he probably got the timing set wrong. If it was running at full speed before the head was replaced and it isn't now, then I think the head replacement is the problem. Fuel Pumps don't just go when they are standing doing nothing - unless it's been a couple of years in which case they might leak a bit because of dry seals. Also the fule pump should not need to be touched when replacing the head, only thing that moves is the fuel pump pulley which has timing marks on it anyway.

    Tell hime to check that the timing is correct - it's easy to get one or two teeth out. Sounds a bit retarded to me (the timing that is).

    Alternatively he has probably got a couple of vacuum hose the wrong way round or not connected at all - again easy to do. You may find that the turbo isn't cutting in. Also could have a blocked injector if he didn't store them in a clean place.

    Basically I am sure he would like to charge you 1000 for a fuel pump but I don't think even Toyota could justify that.



    • #3
      Thanks for that, I'm not sure how to go about this. I'm driving back to cornwall where i left the car, on saturday morning. So i'll test drive it to see what its like. If its has got a problem what sort of comeback do i have? Are the new heads covered under a warranty? I'm fed up of worrying about what could go wrong.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Barnabyp
        Thanks for that, I'm not sure how to go about this. I'm driving back to cornwall where i left the car, on saturday morning. So i'll test drive it to see what its like. If its has got a problem what sort of comeback do i have? Are the new heads covered under a warranty? I'm fed up of worrying about what could go wrong.
        I think I'm right in saying that they have 1 years warranty. There should be a minimum 3 month warranty anyway.

        I don't think though that it is a head problem, just a fitting problem, i.e. they did the job wrong so your comeback should be with the garage for faulty workmanship.



        • #5
          £1000 for a fuel pump, yeah right he's having a laugh. Agree with Andy, also depending where he got the head from, some only guarentee the head as long as the rad passes a pressure test, so make sure you got the proof of that. Agree with what Andy has said, sounds like he has omitted to fit something back properly or the timing is out.
          Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

          My 4x4
          My choice
          Back off


          • #6
            I spoke to him about the fuel pump and he was saying that changing the fuel pump includes plugs, ditributor, lines leads pump etc. They are saying that it is lacking high end power. They have checked the timing so i'm not sure. Maybe they just are expecting too much from it, not having had much experience driving the surf.


            • #7

              Hi l did not know a diesel had "plugs, distributer and leads" l though only petrols had them.???????
              Live Life To The Full


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hilux
                Hi l did not know a diesel had "plugs, distributer and leads" l though only petrols had them.???????
                sounds as if they dont know what they're doing, get your surf back quick!!
                [font=Times New Roman][size=3]
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                • #9
                  Originally posted by gemini
                  sounds as if they dont know what they're doing, get your surf back quick!!
                  Yeah they don't know s**t. Some injection engines will have a fuel distributor separate to the pump (was on my Mk1 Golf GTI) but on the Surf it is integral to the pump which is why the pump has four fuel lines out of the back rather than one.

                  The only adjustment on the pump of the 2LTE engine apart from it's bolt position which is somewhat adjustable, is the maximum fuel flow rate. This is adjusted on the back of the pump. Apart from that all adjustment is automatic by the ECU. They should not have had to touch the fuel flow rate screw on the Pump to change the head and this is the only thing on the pump short of the timing (set by getting the marks correct on the pulleys when fitting the timing belt) that would affect the top end power. Top end power is affected by 4 things
                  1. Valve or pump timing
                  2. Fuel Flow rate - insufficient fuel delivery at high revs. Could be a faulty pump however it was working OK before the head was changed.
                  3. Air supply - if the air filter is seriously blocked, the turbo isn't cutting in, then there will be insufficient air for the fuel to burn therefore strnagling the engine at high revs.
                  4. Compression - Diesels run very high compression, lack of compression will give you poor starting, no mid range and severely compromised top end power. Can also be compromised by vacuum pipes being left off.

                  I still think that they need to check one of 2 things. The timing, too far retarded will give very bad top end power due to insuffient burn time before the exhaust stroke. To far advanced will not give low top end power however the engine will sound really clattery and starting may be compromised. Alternatovely they should check that all the vacuum pipes are connected OK.

                  If both of these things are OK then I would suspect that the head is no good, maybe loose combustion chambers or a bad head gasket causing a lack of compression.

                  Check that the Turbo light shows on, maybe worth getting a turbo specialist to check the boost levels as well.



                  • #10
                    I also needed a new fuel pump for my 2.4TD, called up Toyota and they quoted me £1,800............yes you read it right!!! One thousand, eight hundred squids.........

                    Phoned around and got a recon one for £200...........mmmm!!!!!!



                    • #11
                      I agree with the others about the timing.If not done correctly and checked by turning crankshaft a couple of times it is very easy to get it wrong.After saying that if they knew what they were doing they should not make this mistake.Only way to be sure is take the cover off and have a look.

                      FYI - A new 2LT-E Fuel Pump from Toyota Australia is about $5500.00.
                      I paid $2700 for a complete rebuild on mine recently.



                      • #12
                        Someone I know just paid well over £1000 to have his fuel pump on his Landcruiser sorted
                        Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                        • #13
                          HI Guys, im new to this site but i think I can help

                          I dont want to upset anyone who just paid alot of money for a new pump but I heard that there is a replacement pump available from Toyota in Australia for the 2lte only for 350$ new. the part number is 22100-5B300 . Here is a silly question though. I just did a swap with a rebuilt motor and it seems to me that the timing or the fuel is slightly off. It starts a little rough and idles a little rough for a bit and as it warms up it gets a smoother idle with a blip every once in a while but if you give it some quick throttle it stutters a little till it reaches 2500 rpm then it takes off really smooth. Any ideas. This is not the same fuel pump as before so I don't know how it was adjusted previously. The timing mark is bang on but I played with it a little. i lowered the pump line ( turning the top of the pump away from the motor) a millimeter and it wouldn't even idle. I put it back and it was the fine again except for the rough speed up. I was wondering if I turn it more ( top pf the pump towards the motor) if it would improve more? I don't know which way is advancing or retarding. Should I touch the fuel screw ? I have a pyrometer so i can monitor that at least. Any ideas?


                          • #14
                            One thing that springs to mind, is the cable from the throttle to the buterfly on the intake manifold getting full opening? also check that the throttle position sensor switch is set correctly although these settings should not have been tampered with when just doing a straight cylinder head change.
                            Also I would make sure the fuel filter has been changed. If the FIP timing has been checked and is set correctly then it should get full power at top end revs assuming the maximum rev range is set to spec.
                            Just my two penceworth for what it's worth


                            • #15
                              Have to agree with guys comments re pump timing as I have just re fitted mine.

                              I sent mine to Diesel Bob who cleaned and rebuilt/resealed for £228 + vat.
                              If it needs any parts reworked or replaced obviously more.

                              He did offer uprated cam in it or seals for veg.

                              Contact him on:

                              01254 878790

                              Should have bought a 3ltr

