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Starting & runnibg problem

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  • Starting & runnibg problem

    Hi Guys
    I've just replaced the seals on my injector pump due to a leak.
    I've put it back on the car and now having trouble starting.
    When I put the cambelt on I made sure that all the timming marks lined up on the cam, the crank and the injector pump so hopefully thatr part is ok.
    I used the dreaded Easy Start on it and it fired up with a bit of a tapping noise?
    That was last night today it wont start again, and I don't want to use Easy Start again. Now the batteries are flat so used a jump but to no avale.
    Please help, any advise much appriciated.
    Thanks Dave.

  • #2
    have you bled the injectors


    • #3
      Yes, I had it running yesterday with easy start but not today.


      • #4
        is everything all done up tight so not to suck air in.
        Is fuel flowing from each injector ok tho as there may be air in the system still
        Also double check the timing aswell to make sure everything is lined up right


        • #5
          Can I check everything is lined up without takling it all apart again or not?


          • #6
            can you take the belt cover off then you should be able to check it all


            • #7
              OK will give it a go tomorrow, thanks for your help.


              • #8
                also check the primer to make sure that it goes hard when primed as if it don't then that can be sucking air in and fuel not getting to the pump properly


                • #9
                  Hi Stormforce, got it started, looks like it was a battery problem, put 2 new batteries on and it fires up great, but, it now looks like i've got an overfueling problem because when it fires up it smokes something rotten but don't know how to ajust the overfueling. Any ideas?


                  • #10
                    hi Dave .glad you got it running but the overfueling i'm not to sure on to be honest but i'm sure someone will clear the matter up for you tho


                    • #11
                      OK thanks Stormforce.
                      will put another thread on for overfueling to see if anyone knows.


                      • #12
                        Actually Dave did you cheack to make sure all the timing mark tally up ok as i think that could cause overfuelling if the pump timing is out


                        • #13
                          No, that would mean stripping all the radiator and cam cover off again, but if that is the way to go then I will, but, I'm hoping one of the very clever people on here will tell me of another way.


                          • #14
                            Hi when you set the timing ,did you set the crank on the indicator to the crankpully, or the pip on the crank at tdc,
                            If you set it to the indicator your crank timing will be equivilent to two teeth out advanced on the belt.
                            This will make plumes of white smoke as all the fuel is not burnt before the exhaust valve opens.
                            You dont need to take the rad off just the fan and housing and top hose.
                            IT's not how you get in it . IT's how you get out.


                            • #15
                              I set the pulley mark to the mark on the block, is this correct?

