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Fuel Pump Crisis

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  • Fuel Pump Crisis

    The fuel pump on my 1990 SSR 2.4 TD Ltd has just flipped out and started to spit out a squirt of diesel when the revs are falling off each time after throttling up.

    It looks quite serious but I can't see any evidence of leaks on hoses or pipes. Diesel seems to be coming from the underside of the pump itself.

    Has anyone any similar experience of this? It looks as if an internal gasket or seal has gone in the pump?

    Any clues??

    Look out! Ee

  • #2

    Start to panic!!!!! Not really, it'll more than likley just be the rubber gasket.Had the same go on mine a short time ago, baffeld the hell out of me at first!
    Just move a few hoses out of the way and undo the four allen key nuts on the top of the pump, dont lift it off all the way because its got wiring inside! just manover the rubber seal around and off. If the seal is totaly flat then replace it. They're only about £8.
    It may look like the leak is under the pump but you'll find its not.

    Always assume the worst.....Anything less is a bonus!!

