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What sensor is this?

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  • What sensor is this?

    Help I have searched for hours an cannot find out what this sensor does?

    Its described as SWITCH, TEMPERATURE DETECT, NO.2......????

    Truck over heated on way home (according to the gauge) which is know fkcd as it reads max even when cold....whats that all about?

    Soon as it got hot I pulled over an let it cool down, but as the temp sender is now fckd I really give up.

    The sensor in the centre of the pic is also broke but cannot find what exactly it does......


    No smart arse answers please as dummy now spat
    How can I be lost when I've got no where to go

  • #2
    Originally posted by Bibs View Post
    Help I have searched for hours an cannot find out what this sensor does?

    Its described as SWITCH, TEMPERATURE DETECT, NO.2......????

    Truck over heated on way home (according to the gauge) which is know fkcd as it reads max even when cold....whats that all about?

    Soon as it got hot I pulled over an let it cool down, but as the temp sender is now fckd I really give up.

    The sensor in the centre of the pic is also broke but cannot find what exactly it does......


    No smart arse answers please as dummy now spat
    There should be two sensors of that type in that area, one is for the temp gauge the other for the auxillary cooling fan in front of the grille.
    The one in your pic is for the fan. Switch on ignition, pull off that plug and the fan should come on.


    • #3
      Bibs my dear i haven't forgotten honestly but with things how they have been lately its been awkward doing to much.if you want one i can probably get the one from the 2.4 later this week.I think i have a set of clocks already out of a truck if you need them


      • #4
        Originally posted by stormforce View Post
        Bibs my dear i haven't forgotten honestly but with things how they have been lately its been awkward doing to much.if you want one i can probably get the one from the 2.4 later this week.I think i have a set of clocks already out of a truck if you need them
        Cheers matey - my manual doesn't even show a sensor there an was really tearing my hair out. I know the temp sensor is fckd as it either reads max or 0 (when unplugged)

        Going to order them from Toyota tomorrow just couldnt find what the hell the other did. Will pop out in a min with torch an check the fan. Hey don't worry about the other - with all this going on that is the least of my worries, hubby is about to set fire to it
        How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


        • #5
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
          There should be two sensors of that type in that area, one is for the temp gauge the other for the auxillary cooling fan in front of the grille.
          The one in your pic is for the fan. Switch on ignition, pull off that plug and the fan should come on.
          Sensor on- no fan, sensor off - no fan!!!!
          How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bibs View Post

            Sensor on- no fan, sensor off - no fan!!!!
            Ignition on for the test?


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
              Ignition on for the test?
              Now thats quite insulting - yes

              I'll let you off because I am a woman an we normally know frick all
              How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bibs View Post
                Now thats quite insulting - yes

                I'll let you off because I am a woman an we normally know frick all
                Right then, you need to check the fuse for the fan, either in the engine bay fuse box or by the throttle pedal.

                p.s. the throttle pedal is the one you press with your right foot to make the engine go vrooom!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  Right then, you need to check the fuse for the fan, either in the engine bay fuse box or by the throttle pedal.

                  p.s. the throttle pedal is the one you press with your right foot to make the engine go vrooom!!
                  Now see - where would I be without you guys.

                  Now then - which is my right foot????
                  How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                  • #10
                    Hi Bibs,

                    The sensor you show in your pic is a sender for an aftermarket temp gauge. There is usually a blanking plug there. The fan sender is round the corner and a larger roundish plastic plug. I've pointed to it in the pic but it will be behind the large hose. The original temp sender is further round. You can look at the pics on Roughtrax to work out which is which.

                    I have a brand new temp sender (blade type) which I bought from R'trax a month ago when my sender started playing up after a jetwash. Before I got round to fitting it it all dried out and is working fine now. £20 delivered to you.(if yours is a spade type)


                    EDIT: My truck is exactly the same as the pic on the Rtrax site but Bib's truck seems slightly different so I'm probably wrong about the sender being aftermarket...
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by wishbone; 21 September 2009, 23:08.


                    • #11
                      Stolen from the Rtrax site: (pic of fan switch)
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by wishbone; 21 September 2009, 23:13.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                        EDIT: My truck is exactly the same as the pic on the Rtrax site but Bib's truck seems slightly different so I'm probably wrong about the sender being aftermarket...
                        Manuals have a different thermostat housing to the auto's.


                        • #13
                          That explains it - thanks Matt.

                          I still think thats the temp sender in Bibs pic though ?



                          • #14
                            Good luck fixing it Bibs, and tell "im indoors" to stay away from it with his matches!

                            www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                              Right then, you need to check the fuse for the fan, either in the engine bay fuse box or by the throttle pedal.

                              p.s. the throttle pedal is the one you press with your right foot to make the engine go vrooom!!
                              Right - worked out which was my right foot an had a look. No fuse under there. checked under the bonnet next to the big vrooomy thing and there is a CDS fuse - which is fine, and a CDS 2 relay which I can't remove

                              Drove it to work this morning an it didn't seem hot an ran fine. Sensor on order from RT so will be here in morn. Will look in to the other sensor a bit more tonight. If it doesn't detonate on the way home that is.

                              Would it overheating kill the Temp sensor?
                              How can I be lost when I've got no where to go

