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4WD Problem on a 2l-te surf

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  • 4WD Problem on a 2l-te surf

    Hi All,

    Has any one had the following problem. My 4WD was working O.K. but a few days ago switched on and nothing, no light on the dash just nothing, tried several times to no avail, left it a few days still nothing.

    I believe that there is a 4WD ecu but have no idea as to where this is on the vehicle. I am also led to believe that this does not go bad very often the surf is now 16 years old. It just seems funny one day its working, then nothing, still drives in 2wd o.k. all the linkage seems alright.

    Any ones advice or some one who has had this and found a cure. All help needed
    Be Lucky

  • #2
    Vac pipes or switch. Do a search. There was a similar thread with all of the relevant info quite recently.


    • #3
      Thank for the advise but sorted now, had my dash to pieces to get out the cluster. So while at it removed every plug I could find including ECUs. When I put it all back together, low and behold 4WD now works again for how long I do not know. But alls good now.
      Be Lucky

