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air cleaner hose p/n 17882-54460 ???

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  • air cleaner hose p/n 17882-54460 ???

    hi all

    does any one know where i can get hold of a new air cleaner hose the elbow at the end of the turbo pipe not the ribbed type but moulded 90 degree elbow
    i believe the part number is 17882-54460 didnt want to go to toyota direct begrudge paying £33+vat for a bit of hose and also dont fancy trawling the scrap yards

    if anyone has any ideas where i can get one local to bury i would really appreciate it

    second hand is fine as long as its not got any holes as mines is split virtually all the way around

    and will replacing this hose improve preformance

    cheers guys
    Last edited by BAV1; 4 June 2009, 14:20.

  • #2
    Roughtrax can supply them, about 20 quid I think.


    • #3
      try ebay there is loads of silicone suppliers


      • #4
        may do that anyone know the lengths and diameters



        • #5
          dont know i will take a look at the weekend. or just measure the existing pipe or the end of the airbox think it would be a 45deg elbow


          • #6
            cheers guys but i refuse to pay £30 plus for a bit of hose looks like a roll of gaffa tape on the way home

            for now at least


            • #7
              do you mean the right angled air intake hose that goes from behing the headlight into the air filter box? If so I've probably got one.


              • #8
                no mate its on the left hand side of the block as you look in comes of the black plastic casing that comes from the airbox and over the head then goes to this 90 degree hose that faces back towards the firewall

                also have another question noticed another split hose but this was teh "deisel drain off hose" no wonder it was drinking the stuff fixed it and had filters an oil done runs like a dream however want to clean all the deisel off the underside of the engine thinking of getting it steam cleaned can anyone forsee any probs with this

                Last edited by BAV1; 5 June 2009, 13:36.


                • #9
                  That hose goes very hard and brittle so replace it before bits get sucked into the turbo, which will cost you way more. Do not patch it up.



                  • #10
                    never thought of that mate will bow to your expertise on that one and get one ordered will i notice any benefits after replacing other than not having a clogged turbo obviously

                    any ideas on the steam cleaning thinking of doing it over the weekend

                    cheers again
                    Last edited by BAV1; 5 June 2009, 13:50.

