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Strange vibration sound while going up hills.

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  • Strange vibration sound while going up hills.

    Hi all,
    This is my first post on this forum. I am from Vancouver, Canada and recently bought a 1989 Hilux Surf SSR 2.4td. I've looked on this forum for answers many times and always found them, but couldn't find an answer for this one so I thought it time to join in on the fun.

    Anyways, I've noticed a strange vibration/grinding/gurgling sound coming from below me when I am going up hills. I'm not sure how to describe the sound best, but it kind of sounds like driving over rumble strips on the highway but a little gurglier (if thats a word). It only happens when i'm climbing a steep hill, 7% grade or so or more, and only happens around 2500 rpm. If I get past 3000 rpm the sound stops. It usually happens in third gear, and only happens once in a while. It never did this when I bought it, but I recently drove from vancouver to Alaska and am in Alaska now. This trip put about 5000km on it in the course of about a week. Since I've gotten here, it seems to be doing it once and a while up hills. It has never done it on flats or slightly inclined hills.

    One other thing about it, if I hit a decent bump going up a hill, it seems to trigger it. Also, after it happens, it stays for a while until I shift gears or get out of the 2500-3000rpm range, but after it has happened, it seems to trigger much easier and will happen in second gear or 4th, and really is noticeably affected by the bumps.
    Anyways, I'm kind of at a loss as to what could be causing this, and mechanics up here are quite expensive, so i'm hoping to self diagnose this and determine if it is going to be something that can wait until I get back to vancouver in 3 months and have fixed.
    Sorry for the long winded post, but I figure more info is better than less.


  • #2
    I've come to think that it is the flywheel going. Would these possibly be symptoms of something like this?

