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EGR Confusion...Help!

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  • EGR Confusion...Help!

    Right after advice and deliberation my mechanic friend and i decided that the EGR was to go. I read that people tend to blank off the pipe at the head, and when i told my mechanic he thought this sounded feasible but as my head was off he would fabricate suitable blanking plugs and do away with the pipe and valve ti make space etc.

    Now however i have heard of people simply blocking the vacum tube off the top of the valva and getting the same effect? But surely this still make one side of head hotter than the other and maintains the increased coking?

    Or alternatively have i just f*cked up the pipe that goes from one side of head to other (cut up to fabricate blanking plates)?

    And i was under the impression it would help keep the head temp equalk thus protect from warping am i right?

    thanks Nip[per

  • #2
    Originally posted by Nipper
    Right after advice and deliberation my mechanic friend and i decided that the EGR was to go. I read that people tend to blank off the pipe at the head, and when i told my mechanic he thought this sounded feasible but as my head was off he would fabricate suitable blanking plugs and do away with the pipe and valve ti make space etc.

    Now however i have heard of people simply blocking the vacum tube off the top of the valva and getting the same effect? But surely this still make one side of head hotter than the other and maintains the increased coking?

    Or alternatively have i just f*cked up the pipe that goes from one side of head to other (cut up to fabricate blanking plates)?

    And i was under the impression it would help keep the head temp equalk thus protect from warping am i right?

    thanks Nip[per
    Blanking off the vacuum pipe does have the same effect as it stops the reintroduction of the exhaust gasses by stopping the vacuum device from opening.

    The Tube round the bcak of the head is just a neater way of doing it and also if anyone took a quick scan (if anyone looked for modification of emmission control devices) then they wouldn't see the modification.

    There is much discussion as to whether removing the EGR equalises head temp. The EGR when working reduces the burn efficiency and therfore the combustion temp which should in theory lower the head temperature, however because of the reduced efficiency of burn you may get hot spots and cold spots which are much more damaging than a head that is hot but all at the same temperature.

    Personally I'm not sure that removing the EGR will make much of a difference to the head temperature or distribution of the heat. The difference it will make is in Smoke emission, CO2 emission (It will lower CO2 emissions considerably - mine did and produced really low results at the MOT) and mid range power will be improved.

    The 2LT engine was designed long before EGR devices and was designed to work without one. I'm a believer in things running as they were originally designed.



    • #3

      thanks Andy the old mind is at rest now!

      SO you have removed yours and all is well huh?! sounds good to me!
      Interesting to see if i can notice the difference, i have also done an injector re-con and a damn good clean out so hoping this will help her along too.

      Start day is looming! hooray

      thanks Again!



      • #4
        Originally posted by Nipper
        thanks Andy the old mind is at rest now!

        SO you have removed yours and all is well huh?! sounds good to me!
        Interesting to see if i can notice the difference, i have also done an injector re-con and a damn good clean out so hoping this will help her along too.

        Start day is looming! hooray

        thanks Again!

        Yep I took mine out about 18 months ago - before my head went however I am sure it had nothing to do with the head failing as the car ran well for 6 months before the head cracked.

        I definately noticed a reduction in smoke and more importantly a noticeable increase in low and mid range grunt. It will never be a racing car but pulling out from a junction is a lot less of a lottery now.

        Mine was removed the simple way - removed the vacuum pipe and blocked it with a small bolt.

        Good luck with it.



        • #5
          EGR Valves

          undefined What an amazing site this is... I'm a newbie Surf owner - a glorious 91/92 J SSRX - 2.4 TDi - 2LTE - LN130. Such a lotof information on this site !!!

          However can someone please clarify for me one point regarding the EGR valve - when you remove the hose off of the vacum unit - what happens to the pipe which the hose went onto? does that need blanking off? And just to make sure I have removed the correct hose: is it the one which goes into the vacum unit which perches on top of the exhaust manifold at the back of the engine (passenger side) right beside the fuel filter? I have currently removed my hose and inserted a longish bolt down the hose end. Done that yesterday and am still montioring things. Thepurposes of which is to try and make my diesel a little more friendly for people in the street and maybe help my pocket as well. - I currently insert £ 20 worth of diesel at 82.9p per litre and get somewhere between 150-180 kms on average - maybe 200 kms if all motorway.

          I have to say I love the Surf, but it had to have a new head, valves etc, after it over heated in Scotland on the A9 when I was on holiday earlier this year, however all was enventually replaced under a three month dealer warranty, only just though !! Phew - very expensive op it was with all parts had to come from Toyota Japan. I do however now get a lot of grey smoke on heavy acceleration, and tends to be a bit grumpy upon cold start, and feels like its a bit clogged upon and a few thrusts of the accelerator eventually clears after pumping ut grey smoke. But runs fine once warm. Any ideas pleasee would be much appreciated, but I don't want to have to sell me other kidney

          Cheers to everyones articles that I have read so far. Any big large pics of diagrams of the surf engine which shows what bits do what or their respective names would be fantastic.

          All the best from Unclejibbs


          • #6
            I disabled the EGR about a year ago by putting a cable tie round the vacuum pipe and strangling the bugger. Lots less grey smoke in the mirror when accellerating up the M1 J11 slip road and a bit more grunt at low revs.
            It's only a hobby!

