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No turbo power

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  • No turbo power

    I have just replaced the alternator on my LN130 2.4 and Its now charging as it should, but it appears now that i have lost my turbo power, it was fine before repair. Everything appears to be connected and the green turbo light illuminates when the ignition is first turned on, but does not reappear around the 1900 rev mark when the turbo should kick in. the truck has very little power and barely crawls up any incline. Any thoughts please, or have i missed something on the reinstall maybe ?
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Check that this little rubber pipe is connected.....


    • #3
      I will take a look in the morning, thanks for your suggestion. Is it possible it blew off as i cant think i went anywhere near there on the fix, but i'll take a look, memory is not what it was.
      Thanks again


      • #4
        Stan if you still get trouble then have a chat with supersurf on here as he has a garage in Mutley so not to far from you and he may be able to help you out if needed


        • #5
          Originally posted by catweazle View Post
          I will take a look in the morning, thanks for your suggestion. Is it possible it blew off as i cant think i went anywhere near there on the fix, but i'll take a look, memory is not what it was.
          Thanks again
          They can get oil on them that sometimes drips from the intake hose above, then swell up and just drop off due to vibration or maintenance.. Worth a look as that would be the cause loss of turbo boost.


          • #6
            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
            Stan if you still get trouble then have a chat with supersurf on here as he has a garage in Mutley so not to far from you and he may be able to help you out if needed
            It was supersurf i bought the alternator off that i just replaced, no problem with that i hasten to add. I thought I would see if i could get a quick fix through you guys, oo and girls, but yes i might give lee a call if i get stuck.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
              They can get oil on them that sometimes drips from the intake hose above, then swell up and just drop off due to vibration or maintenance.. Worth a look as that would be the cause loss of turbo boost.
              Just had i quick look with a torch. As you suggested very loose, just pulled off in my hand and yes very swollen. There is a clip one end only, but it does not appear to be working. a couple of months back i replaced the large hose above that had been leaking, never thought to look further down I will see whats what tomorrow and will let you know outcome of a repair. I hope thats the problem and the end of it.
              Thanks again


              • #8
                Just to let you all know the truck is well again.
                I replaced the turbo switch hose, highlighted by BUSHWACKER, but still no turbo. Then checked the vacuum pump on the alternator was doing its thing, and it was.I thought i would then go for broke and retrace my work when replacing the alternator. As i removed the turbo inlet hose (Bend) I noticed a piece of the hose was missing and sure enough looking into the turbo blades there it was. It had broken up into smaller pieces and was stopping the blades rotating. I then cleared it out and believe I can account for the piece of hose that originally broke off. I had a very similiar bend off a MR2 i own and put that on untill i pick up a replacement. I had read about this hose becoming brittle and breaking up, but as with many things chose to overlook it. MY ADVICE IS CHECK IT OUT IT COULD BE VERY COSTLY. I have taken it out today and all seems well again , dare I say better then it was. I think the improvement was probably due to the old vacuum hose off the switch, a big thanks to BUSHWACKER for that and of course to those who contributed.

