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Up in flames... Help!?!

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  • Up in flames... Help!?!

    Hi guys,

    Need a little help on this one... Got in my 2.4 LTE surf this morning after leaving her to stand overnight, warmed up the glows and and tried to crank over...

    All I got was a clunk and the engine check light, dud batt light and seat belt light up on the dash... Took the key out and popped the bonnet to check connections and the engine starts to crank on its own accord very slowly. Earth points started smoking and before I could get to the fuses or battery negative, the power steering hose melted totally (off the pump) and spewed oil everywhere.

    Checked all obvious earth points and still no luck. Any ideas what could be causing this?

    The odd thing is, it only does this if the right hand battery is hooked up. Just get a dry clicking sound if i disconnect it and drop the right hand one in.

    Only had the truck a year and still getting me head round it, so any help would be greatfully recieved!


  • #2
    Sounds to me like you've got a dead short from positive to earth (on 2nd battery).

    No matter how bad it gets, if you're still alive it's just another bad day.


    • #3
      Solved it!

      Turns out, the glowplug relay had stuck open and shorted out somehow. It managed to turn the engine block "live" and the resultant spike caused the power steering pipe from the pump to burn out totally and lose its contents.

      So now ive gotta replace both the relay and the hose. Any idea where I can get a hose from, other than Toyota?


      • #4
        i got a glow plug relay here if you need that aswell.I don't know if the 3.0l and 2.4 pipes are the same for the power steering or not
        let me know which pipe it is and i should be able to sort you out at the weekend.have a look at this link and let me know the part number you require as the 3.0l and 2.4 have the same part numbers for the pipes

        Last edited by stormforce; 16 March 2009, 21:45.


        • #5
          Think ive managed to source the relay but thanks for that!

          The hoes is No.1 hose from the reservoir to the pump part no. 44348A , does anyone know how I get the old (and totally charred) one off?

          Might have to have a trip to the motor factors and see if they've anything I can use to get it through an MOT.
          Last edited by AlexD84; 16 March 2009, 21:51. Reason: half asleep- cant type or read!


          • #6
            i got a hose on a pump i took off the breaker so i'll see how it comes off tomorrow for you and post back


            • #7
              Thats fantastic Cheers!


              • #8
                i think it just screws in the top of the pump so it should come off easy enough


                • #9
                  Will get a closer look when I get in from work tomorrow- the whole hose is burnt back to the metal braiding and covered in oil...
                  The joys of 4x4 ownership I suppose.

