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Throttle Position Sensor

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  • Throttle Position Sensor

    can ne one tell me were to find the THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR on a 2.4 2lt efi desiel engine and were to find the WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR

  • #2
    Originally posted by hilux303 View Post
    can ne one tell me were to find the THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR on a 2.4 2lt efi desiel engine and were to find the WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR
    the tps is on the top of the inlet manifold on the end of the throttle spindle,you have a water temp sender on the thermostat housing ,earth the wire out to find which one there is another water temp senser for the ecu under the inlet manifold


    • #3
      Originally posted by lord lucan View Post
      the tps is on the top of the inlet manifold on the end of the throttle spindle,you have a water temp sender on the thermostat housing ,earth the wire out to find which one there is another water temp senser for the ecu under the inlet manifold
      woad you be able to get a pic of it cos i still carnt find it thanks chris


      • #4
        does this help fot the water one.....

        ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


        • #5
          yes thanks mate just need to get a pic of the tps senser now


          • #6
            im a plonka

            i just worked out its not an efi so dus ne one know were the tps is on a non efi engine


            • #7
              if it's non efi, would it have one? or am i being stupid.

              If it has it'll be on the throttle body above the intake manifold. N/S of the engine, to the rear of and slightly above the injector pump.
              =SOLD UP!=


              • #8
                Originally posted by nero279 View Post
                if it's non efi, would it have one? or am i being stupid.

                If it has it'll be on the throttle body above the intake manifold. N/S of the engine, to the rear of and slightly above the injector pump.
                something strange there if its non efi as in 2lt and not 2lte then surely you wouldnt have a diagnostic point for the ecu because it wont have one.or am i stupid as well.


                • #9
                  well it seas 2tl on my vin plate but i hace got the gray plug on driver side wing and if you bridge the two pins it macks the glow plug light flash and that is were i got the 4 ,7 erro code from


                  • #10
                    glow plug light? it should make the engine check light flash thats the amber light next to the turbo boost light.next to the speedo on the dash.


                    • #11
                      if i bridg te1 and e1 ont the gray plug it mack the glowplug light flash so i dont know what is goint on with it


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hilux303 View Post
                        if i bridg te1 and e1 ont the gray plug it mack the glowplug light flash so i dont know what is goint on with it
                        that might be right if its the older surf,i dont know for sure though,bio hazard has one exactly the same as yours so it might be a good idea if you ask him just to check it out.


                        • #13
                          This is a 2lt.......

                          Last edited by BioHazard; 25 February 2009, 21:13.
                          ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                          • #14
                            yea but have you got a diagnostic plug and an ecu??? and does it make the glow plug light flash ? do you have an engine check light?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by surfenstein View Post
                              yea but have you got a diagnostic plug and an ecu??? and does it make the glow plug light flash ? do you have an engine check light?
                              not that i can find as it's all mechanical , not sure about a g or h plate as only have a 2l and 2LT here
                              Last edited by BioHazard; 25 February 2009, 21:24.
                              ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'

