Well as the title says.....
had my truck about 3 months now and i love it.
done the usuals, coolant flush oil change, filters etc, belts too.
anyway after having it about a week i notice some times (not everyday!) 2 to 4 times a day maybe my clutch would slip normally in 3rd may not happen for several days, but nearly always in 3rd and only when accelerating hard'ish, back off throttle and it grips again..... I'v read all the threads and most replies seem to be your clutch is waisted
so i checked the clutch Mcylinder for fluid and boy was it black, so start bleeding..... at the bottom of the fluid in Mcylinder there was lots of thick black sludge, so thinking it could be just old fluid (and poss seals)etc i cleaned it out then top up and bleed with new dot4..... clutch works better......... few days later clutch slips again once or twice.
Im now resigning myself that ill be fitting a new clutch.
i then get a week of no slipping, so for the last 4 weeks i have been driving it, not abusing it but trying to get clutch to slip. and it hasnt!!! then did it again twice on different days, two mins later its fine again as before.
so i took it to and off road bit of land and in 4H i climb a steep bank in 2nd labouring the engine, dip clutch lift revs and she happly pulls me up this hill, works perfectly
, ive driven up steep roads in 3rd 2500 rpm'ish and pull handbrake on NO SLIP......... so whats with my clutch.
After searching and reading all i can on here, i think.... new clutch time..... but back of my head and my experience/gut feeling is NO!!! if it was worn to the point of slipping on normal road driving etc she should have slipped like mad on that steep bank.......
SO anyway
3 days ago i go to change all my belts and to sort out my Psteering pump as the top retaining bolt looked as if it'd snapped, it wasnt, just ovalised... I sort all this out. while im under there i noticed that there is oil all down the block and been blown to the top of bell housing ( noticed this when i bought it, all round the inlet manifold,steam cleaned it all off months ago) so trace it back up to the inlet manifold.......... its dripping out of the rocker cover pipe where it joins into the air intake, i cleaned this out 2 months ago when i changed the oil, ive replaced the useless weak clip thats on the rocker breather pipe with a jubilie clip........ (ive not noticed a drop in oil level)
the oil on and around inlet manifold and down block wasnt a huge amount but was 'wet' rather than grungy sticky oil, looked wet enough to me to be able to 'run' inbetween bell house/engine joint and drop small amount onto my clutch, Vsmall drip at bottom of bellhousing, hence the occasional slip then burning it off and giving me good clutch again.????
could this be my (and others) slipping clutch problem??????? i think so!!! but time will tell
ive even pulled my mates well stuck 7.5 tonne lorry out of a soggy field without issues one week when my clutch was showing its worst symptoms(slipped 3-4 times) so surely if clutch was worn out it would have slipped like buggery then, which it didnt and i was on a grippy surface so my tyres werent slipping!! pulled him out with ease. i was in reverse.
i posted this in the hope it may help others out and for feedback/thoughts from you guys.
so what do ya think??????
im praying its my cause as i really dont wanna do the gearbox etc removal lol.
p.s ive read this site night after night for months and your guys and this site are great!!!!!!!! i've learnt so much........... thanks
had my truck about 3 months now and i love it.
done the usuals, coolant flush oil change, filters etc, belts too.
anyway after having it about a week i notice some times (not everyday!) 2 to 4 times a day maybe my clutch would slip normally in 3rd may not happen for several days, but nearly always in 3rd and only when accelerating hard'ish, back off throttle and it grips again..... I'v read all the threads and most replies seem to be your clutch is waisted

so i checked the clutch Mcylinder for fluid and boy was it black, so start bleeding..... at the bottom of the fluid in Mcylinder there was lots of thick black sludge, so thinking it could be just old fluid (and poss seals)etc i cleaned it out then top up and bleed with new dot4..... clutch works better......... few days later clutch slips again once or twice.
Im now resigning myself that ill be fitting a new clutch.
i then get a week of no slipping, so for the last 4 weeks i have been driving it, not abusing it but trying to get clutch to slip. and it hasnt!!! then did it again twice on different days, two mins later its fine again as before.
so i took it to and off road bit of land and in 4H i climb a steep bank in 2nd labouring the engine, dip clutch lift revs and she happly pulls me up this hill, works perfectly

After searching and reading all i can on here, i think.... new clutch time..... but back of my head and my experience/gut feeling is NO!!! if it was worn to the point of slipping on normal road driving etc she should have slipped like mad on that steep bank.......
SO anyway
3 days ago i go to change all my belts and to sort out my Psteering pump as the top retaining bolt looked as if it'd snapped, it wasnt, just ovalised... I sort all this out. while im under there i noticed that there is oil all down the block and been blown to the top of bell housing ( noticed this when i bought it, all round the inlet manifold,steam cleaned it all off months ago) so trace it back up to the inlet manifold.......... its dripping out of the rocker cover pipe where it joins into the air intake, i cleaned this out 2 months ago when i changed the oil, ive replaced the useless weak clip thats on the rocker breather pipe with a jubilie clip........ (ive not noticed a drop in oil level)
the oil on and around inlet manifold and down block wasnt a huge amount but was 'wet' rather than grungy sticky oil, looked wet enough to me to be able to 'run' inbetween bell house/engine joint and drop small amount onto my clutch, Vsmall drip at bottom of bellhousing, hence the occasional slip then burning it off and giving me good clutch again.????
could this be my (and others) slipping clutch problem??????? i think so!!! but time will tell
ive even pulled my mates well stuck 7.5 tonne lorry out of a soggy field without issues one week when my clutch was showing its worst symptoms(slipped 3-4 times) so surely if clutch was worn out it would have slipped like buggery then, which it didnt and i was on a grippy surface so my tyres werent slipping!! pulled him out with ease. i was in reverse.
i posted this in the hope it may help others out and for feedback/thoughts from you guys.
so what do ya think??????
im praying its my cause as i really dont wanna do the gearbox etc removal lol.
p.s ive read this site night after night for months and your guys and this site are great!!!!!!!! i've learnt so much........... thanks
