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engine stall any ideas???

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  • engine stall any ideas???

    hi all, my 2.4 td auto 97 pick up was seriously over heated and cracked the head. i replaced and it was running ok for about 6 months, it still runs ok but on start up its very hard to get going, whilst its being turned over i get a lot of white smoke coming out, unburnt diesel i think, when it finally starts there is more smoke and eventually it clears and runs ok. when it is warmed up it drives and starts well, untill i slow down for a corner or just slowing down it just cuts out and is a pain in the arse to get started again, with lots more white smoke. i have tried changing the egr valve with a working one, the sensor near the thermostat, the air mass with no success, just wondering if anyone else has had a similar prob or any advice??? thanks, zem
    ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!

  • #2
    air mass?????????.have you replaced the glow plugs or checked that they are working.are all the vac hoses in the correct positions.


    • #3
      glow plugs

      my mate had the same starting problem, completely solved with new plugs.
      his would take for ever to start in the morning. however, after it was warm, it would start well. we changed the filter - helped a bit, bled it, helped a bit, got new batteries (as the old ones were virtually dead!), helped a bit, but that was it. the plugs solved it.
      make sure you get the right ones (7 or 11 volt) - check by removing one and reading the voltage, below the nut.
      If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


      • #4
        yeah the plugs are new,
        ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!


        • #5
          I'd maybe change the fuel filter an chuck some redex or similar injector cleaner in. Might help with the starting. If the plugs are new and getting the correct voltage feed then thats where i'd look.

          As for stalling im not sure. Do as stein says an check vac hoses etc.

          If it does it mostly whilst your breaking then it would indicate theres something up the vac hoses etc.


          • #6
            thanks guys, i have already changed the fuel filter, oil and oil filter all of the easy stuff, gonna check the vacums today will keep u posted
            ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!


            • #7
              hi all, the vacums seem fine and today i have noticed it is loosing power, going up hills and on the motorway, as i was getting overtaken by artics up hills. any ideas???
              ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!


              • #8
                does the turbo boost light come on in the centre of the dash?????.


                • #9
                  hello mate, its an import so it has none, whats ur thinkin behind that??? im thinkin that maybe the head bolts have streched, im gonna give them a check on sat so i will see how that goes, thanks
                  ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!


                  • #10
                    Do you hear the turbo whistle?!

                    It could be the internals of the turbo are breaking down.. Have you lost any oil?


                    • #11
                      hi mate oil seems ok, and i can hear the turbo ok, i tightened the head bolts with no change, the breather out of the rocker cover seems to be pushing out a lot of air, but i think this is normal??
                      ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!


                      • #12
                        up date on the engine, i ended up takin the engine out as the air comin from the rocker cover got me thinkin, turns out the pistons were oval shaped, thus creatin lots of unwanted loss of compression, so now i have sent it off for new inserts, pistons, rings, ground crank and shells and stuff, £750
                        ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!

