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Heater Problems

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  • Heater Problems

    Probably been asked many times before and no doubt many good replies, but what im lacking is some sort of pictorial instruction/guide on how to get the hot air constantly out of my face, or cooking my feet, and on to the windscreen.
    Ive more or less familiarised myself with the written explanations but they all seem to infer that I would know what im looking for and where to find it. As a total mechanical shmuck, id really appreciate some help. Im prepared to listen and learn so i can do the job myself.
    PS> Starter motor jammed this AM, ordered the repair kit from Roughtrax but going to get a mateto do that, anybody know if its a piece of cake or one of those fidley jobs.(and does it allways solve the clicking prob, ie value for money or good money after bad.)
    Thanks in adavance
    2.4 surf K reg, Auto.(LN130)
    Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO

  • #2
    Did you read this thread?

    How far away from Abercarn are you? Maybe I could come and show you how the levers work.


    • #3
      Hi Bush,
      About 19 mile from Merthyr to you. Would love the help, whens conveinient for you. Subject to Sat morn, hopieing if the starter kit comes i can get my mate to fix.
      Have you got an email i can send you my tel number or vice versa.
      Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO

