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Help - front door lock jammed

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  • Help - front door lock jammed

    Hope someone out there can help me. Went to get my surf washed at lunchtime today and when I got back to work found my drivers door had locked and would not open. Central locking is working (actuator is trying to move the mechanism) but the lock wont open by key or lifting the button. I have managed to pull back the door card and bend back the anti tamper plate above the mechanism but I could really do with some photos or a good drawing of the assembly so i know what to attack next without damaging too much more of the door and lock - any help or info would be appreciated

  • #2
    Pull the negative cable off the batteries and see if the lock releases.


    • #3
      thanks for the advice bushwacker I'll try it in the morning but as I said the central locking system is working - there appears to be a physical jam in this lock - I can't even pull up the button by hand or turn the key to the unlock position (though it will lock). If I use the button on the drivers door the mechanism jumps as all the others unlock but it just won't unlock.


      • #4
        found the problem - there is a retaining spring that hold back the mechanism for the outside door handle that had snapped allowing an arm to drop and fall into exactly the wrong position. Managed to use a 'special tool' to unlock the door from the window gap and could get the lock out - from then it was plain sailing


        • #5
          exactly the same thing has happened to me, i'm stuck in another country and must do the work myself (reasonably competant)

          I know i can get inside panel off, and flick open switch manually (done this before reading post)

          Didn't then do too much, because was scared i would then be in a position where i cant lock door.

          Basically can you tell me a little more clearly where the spring is?


          • #6
            on the rods for the door handle and lock there are little plastic clips that lock these rods in position and if one of these plastic clips break or come off then this can cause the same problem


            • #7
              Originally posted by littles View Post
              exactly the same thing has happened to me, i'm stuck in another country and must do the work myself (reasonably competant)

              I know i can get inside panel off, and flick open switch manually (done this before reading post)

              Didn't then do too much, because was scared i would then be in a position where i cant lock door.

              Basically can you tell me a little more clearly where the spring is?
              It's been a while since this happened and don't clearly remember but from what i can recall it becomes obvious when you get the door lock out. just have alook for part of the mechanism that needs to be in the up position to allow the door to unlock - you will find the bits of spring in the bottom of the door - sorry i can't remember more than this


              • #8
                That happened to me last year

                Boy was my wife mad, she was stuck inside for hours.....
                私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。

