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won't idle/cuts out when warmed up??

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  • won't idle/cuts out when warmed up??

    Bit of a strange one for any boffins out there!

    recently changed the seals on my fuel pump, everything appeared to go back ok, bled the system, started the car up.....all appeared fine.....idled nicely, went in to gear, moved it, ran it for about ten minutes, it was dark, elected to test drive in the morning

    next day, went out in the truck...and the problems began

    once the engine warmed up, it refused to idle, cutting out whenever the revs dropped to idle speed, started fine after cutting out, but revs needed to be kept up, on the way home it wasn't seeming to overheat (and with some exciting leftfoot braking while keeping the revs up) managed to keep it going.

    Now I can let it cool down and start it and move it fine when cold, but as soon as it warms up...bang...the cutting out starts again.

    my guess is something electrical (gave something a knock when removing the pump perhaps - there are all sorts of electrical bits on it) - but am unsure where to start.....any ideas??

    I've had thermostats, temperature senders mentioned to me and all the symptoms of these sorts of things don't seem to match.


  • #2
    Sounds like a fuelling problem, possibly air in there. Have you tried pumping the primer?

    Try running it with the filler cap off to eliminate a problem with the breather.

    Could also be something shaken loose into a fuel line.


    • #3
      Yeah, what he said!

