Firstly i have been reading this great forum now for over a month, looking for the re-acuring faults etc to arm myself with the right knowledge to go and buy myself a surf.
Well i found one 2 miles from my house and was up for sale for £550, it has a dent to each front wing top and to one side door, no biggy as i used to own a bodyshop..... so i bought a head/block testing kit(as it was SOOO cheap), checked it and its fine!!!!
it drives like new and has just done 94,000 miles,,,, no history or booklets with it, so i decided that first off it will give her a major coolant flush/change.
bought wynns flush which i left in for (says idle for 10 mins)20 mins and then drove 2 miles, dumped it and there was a fair ammount of crap that came out but ive seen far far worse on othere cars.... the expansion bottle was full up of a thickish rusty/browny coloured water, is this the jap stuff??????
i removed one of the hoses thats connected to the heater valve on the center top of the bulkhead to flush with the garden hose both ways...... the inside of these hoses is linned with a rusty coulered crust!!!???? and if i squeeze that hose it sounds crunchy............. this is where i need your advise guys
do i leave the hoses alone, or should i remove them and 'flex' the hoses to loosen these rusty deposites, im thinking that if this stuff should fall off when under normal use it could block internal waterways and cause an over heat.
is the a super hardcore coolant flush that will remove all this cr*p you guys already use???
its now full up with 5 litres of red antifreeze and topped up the rest with normal water, once i sort these hoses ill replace with new coolant and distilled water.
is this a common fault, or an indicator that the old girls been abused???
any advise would be great as you seem to know rather alot on here
Well i found one 2 miles from my house and was up for sale for £550, it has a dent to each front wing top and to one side door, no biggy as i used to own a bodyshop..... so i bought a head/block testing kit(as it was SOOO cheap), checked it and its fine!!!!

it drives like new and has just done 94,000 miles,,,, no history or booklets with it, so i decided that first off it will give her a major coolant flush/change.
bought wynns flush which i left in for (says idle for 10 mins)20 mins and then drove 2 miles, dumped it and there was a fair ammount of crap that came out but ive seen far far worse on othere cars.... the expansion bottle was full up of a thickish rusty/browny coloured water, is this the jap stuff??????
i removed one of the hoses thats connected to the heater valve on the center top of the bulkhead to flush with the garden hose both ways...... the inside of these hoses is linned with a rusty coulered crust!!!???? and if i squeeze that hose it sounds crunchy............. this is where i need your advise guys
do i leave the hoses alone, or should i remove them and 'flex' the hoses to loosen these rusty deposites, im thinking that if this stuff should fall off when under normal use it could block internal waterways and cause an over heat.
is the a super hardcore coolant flush that will remove all this cr*p you guys already use???
its now full up with 5 litres of red antifreeze and topped up the rest with normal water, once i sort these hoses ill replace with new coolant and distilled water.
is this a common fault, or an indicator that the old girls been abused???
any advise would be great as you seem to know rather alot on here