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2.4 front mount intercooler

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  • 2.4 front mount intercooler

    hi - I'm new so sorry if this isn't a new thread but I've searched the site and could only find one link (seems to be dead now) to someone who has done this.
    I have an intercooler that I intend to front mount on my surf and any info or pics would be appreciated - thanks

  • #2
    What intercooler are you using? There's some good write ups here http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/performance.htm
    10th one down is a front mount using an impreza cooler, although the 9th one down is the same guy relocating it to a top mounted.
    To be honest, you'd be better off going top mount as the air has a long way to travel if you're going front mount. But if you don't have a body lift then you fitting a top mount could be a squeeze. Hope this helps though.
    Hold my beer and watch this


    • #3
      ive got a transit intercooler that i'm hoping to fit under the bumper somewhere - i've only just had it so haven't had time to have a good look but i recon that if i take the filter housing out and fit somethimng (if not original one) the other side, I can run some thin walled stainless tubing (I can TIG weld) down through holes cut into the wheel arches.
      The reason that i want to go front mount is that I do a lot of daily travelling in traffic and have read that the intercooler can turn into the interheater if its above the engine. I also dont want to cut a big hole in my bonnet to find that it doesn't work that well. At least if i mess up, this way I can rip it all out without leaving too much of a mess.
      I don't know what if any improvement this will give in mpg but it cant be any worse than the 20-22 I'm getting at the moment - doesn't seem to matter if i drive like my 23 year old daughter (fast) or my 80 year old step mother.

