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How much vibration and engine noise is too much?

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  • How much vibration and engine noise is too much?

    Yeah Yeah I know it's a diesel...lol. My 2.4 powered 92 Toyota Land Cruiser rattles a fair amount and vibrates with a low rumble at idle. Is this everyone's experience with 2.4 powered Surf's and the like? Just had the head and valves and all that good stuff done.
    Last edited by able_walker; 3 December 2008, 00:49.

  • #2
    There'll obviously be some engine noise due to general wear and tear, but a rumble? Which series of LC is it?


    • #3
      It's the 2.4 Prado same engine as the surf. It may just be interior vibration from age..the dash..the windows and such,but it definitely rumbles a bit at idle.Just seeking peace of mind I guess.After putting $4000.00 into it I'd rather cut my loses and sell rather that keep a truck that's not running properly.Seems to be okay at speed....pretty smooth.


      • #4
        I had a rumbley noise coming from the engine bay on my 3rd gen, turned out to be the air intake pipe vibrating on the inner wing. Have the engine running at normal temp, then start putting your hands on thing like air box, air intake, battery & anything that could cause a droaning/vibrating noise.

        BE CAREFUL.
        Don't put your hands near any moving parts or manifolds & watch your fingers near the fan blades.
        You have been warned.
        Last edited by si tate; 3 December 2008, 23:59.
        If its not broke don't fix it.

