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Do i have an EGr on my 2.8D non turbo

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  • Do i have an EGr on my 2.8D non turbo

    If the answer is yes, can i remove it ? Or just disable it ?. It seems to be a bit smoky under load.

    Also is it true the 2.8D has a stell head and therefore non of the headgasket issue of the 2.4TD?

  • #2
    EGR Valve

    Gday Iliketwopointeights,

    If your 2.8 was imported to the UK from Australia or South Africa then your 2.8 has no EGR valve.

    The 2.8's are allways a little smoky, especially when you put the foot down (The power is amazing LoL), but they shouldn't continually smoke

    If it is excessively smoky try one or more of the following,

    * Is the Air filter dirty restricting flow

    * How Olds the Oil. 5000kms maximum. Try next up viscosity oil

    * Injector / fuel system service, Mixture settings

    * When was the last time the valves were adjusted?

    * Does the hilux just need a good run. Uk towns are not the best places for a diesel. Constant city driving glases the cylider bores. Give her a huge run.

    *My hilux was smoking excessively and found out the exhaust system was cactus causing poor flow. A New system fitted fixed that problem.

    * Regular fuel treatments

    Yes the 2.8's head is cast iron and doesn't suffer any gasket problems. The only time the head gaskets tend to go is when the water pump or fan belt lets go.

    Cheers Matt
    Harden the Fuk Up Princess

