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intercooler again

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  • intercooler again

    first of all a huge thanks to all on the forum just got back from touring the WHOLE of southern ireland and loved every minute and would have been pos without your help

    the truck was supurb not a single problem except the towbar snapped off it brackets half around the ring of kerry which if you havent been is pretty remote
    anyway a 45 minutes and 3 rachet straps later towbar secure enough to limp with heavy trailer to the nearest garage which was a treck away all sorted now

    so thanks again

    heres my next project been researching the forum and reading so many different way of doing this so after some clarification

    planning touring europe early next namley holland ove the alps and down to spain

    what i would like to do is fit an intercooler and atf cooler dont do any heavy off roading so front mounted should be ok but want the best results so will top mount if its better there so here are the questions

    1. if i fit an intercooler does this make the airbox obsolete if so i was planning on cutting the bonnet and inserting a small scoop and mounting the atf cooler here

    2. is there such a thing as an oil cooler for the normal eng oil if so some info would be great

    3.any ideas on parts and costs would be excellent

    4. do i need to uprate exhaust system i know i will see a benefit in doing so but do i need to

    i know this may sound a bit of an overkill but i will be doing lot of miles some of which i expect to be quite demanding and dont want to kill the truck i have already added manual overide to activate the the aux rad fan which i found useful going over the mountains in ireland good piece of mind if nothing else my fan had never come on so didnt trust the relay etc eay mod if anyone is interested i just removed the realy and hardwired a 20amp dask switch in using spade connectors where the realy plugged in i know i have bypassed the engines own protection but its on now more than its ever been so cant see what harm it could do

    sorry for the long thread guys and thanks in advance
    Last edited by BAV1; 3 September 2008, 10:53.

  • #2
    Originally posted by BAV1 View Post

    what i would like to do is fit an intercooler and atf cooler dont do any heavy off roading so front mounted should be ok

    1. if i fit an intercooler does this make the airbox obsolete

    if so i was planning on cutting the bonnet and inserting a small scoop and mounting the atf cooler here


    2. is there such a thing as an oil cooler for the normal eng oil if so some info would be great

    3.any ideas on parts and costs would be excellent

    4. do i need to uprate exhaust system i know i will see a benefit in doing so but do i need to

    A body lift will keep the inside of the car a lot cooler as it helps air to flow around the tranny

    There's a write on here about fitting a tranny cooler too.

    Another member of the 'A' team


    • #3
      thanks boyo but i dont really want to go down the lift route as im happy with everything else although i do need new tyres all round got 31 10.5 r15 on at the moment which are great but front drivers is balding on inside other 3 have really good tread but they have stoppe doing this brand so looking for a full set of 5 with agresive tread but do 80% on road so need somthing that doesnt give loads of road noise on a budget any ideas can i go slightly bigger without a lift

      cheers again


      • #4
        Originally posted by BAV1 View Post
        thanks boyo but i dont really want to go down the lift route as im happy with everything else although i do need new tyres all round got 31 10.5 r15 on at the moment which are great but front drivers is balding on inside other 3 have really good tread but they have stoppe doing this brand so looking for a full set of 5 with agresive tread but do 80% on road so need somthing that doesnt give loads of road noise on a budget any ideas can i go slightly bigger without a lift

        cheers again
        You wont get an agressive looking tyre with 80% on road manners.

        The more agressive it looks the worse it will be on the road.
        Get a set of General grabber AT's.
        They have good road manners, Not bad at as an all terrain an are pretty cheap to.

        check out www.roughtrax4x4.com and www.camskill.com for prices.


        • #5
          thanks for the links boyo read those links earlier

          i appriciate the top mount intercooler is more complicated but seems to give better results and also i like the idea of adding the vent on top

          still no wiser as to what i need though and would you recomend diy or a garage job im quite tech but limited tools got sockets and screwdrivers etc but worried that i dont enough about how it interacts with the engine and worried i might kill it

          cheers jon


          • #6
            thanks rod

            i like the look of these http://www.roughtrax4x4.com/?doc=16&cid=558&vid=1071 would these be any good at all on road or are they to extreme
            out of the grabbers i prefer the tread pattens without straight runoffsas these seem to be c+++ on wet grass

            cheers again


            • #7
              Originally posted by BAV1 View Post
              thanks for the links boyo read those links earlier

              i appriciate the top mount intercooler is more complicated but seems to give better results and also i like the idea of adding the vent on top
              Nope. If you're not planning on spending your life wading through mud, a front mount is more efficient as it only receives cool air, rather than getting heat soaked from engine bay heat. You dont need a body lift to do that either.

              Re. the tyres. If you're not going offroad, or at least not in wet / muddy terrain, go for a decent set of ATs. The ride will be nicer and quieter, the fuel consumption will be better, the tyres will last longer... need I go on? If 'looking cool' is more important than having a truck better suited to the terrain, by all means go for big aggressive muds.
              Last edited by Apache; 3 September 2008, 18:15.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #8
                thanks apache

                looking at these tyres http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php?show=11197 what do you think similar to what i have at the moment

                where do i start looking for parts to do the front mounted intercooler also want to add an atf cooler read the write ups but no idea where to actually get the bits from new or from other make and model donnors at the scrappy

                does adding the intercooler add any noise as i dont want to sound like an 17 year old ripping about in modded corsa

                cheers jon


                • #9
                  People speak highly of the BFG muds. Not too aggressive and have a good tread life.

                  There used to be a chap on eBay provided all the stuff for front mount on a Surf, but I suspect you might be on your own developing something if you cant find him. Intercooler wont make any additional noise.
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    dont suppose you can remember a name or location

                    just stuck front mount intecooler into ebay and got 6 pages wouldnt know where to start and what wil fit

                    cheers mate

