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Interesting Problem

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  • Interesting Problem

    I have developed a slow leak in my back tyres which has been traced to where the valve meets the wheel.

    Now the fun begins

    It would appear it is a non standard valve as it is thinner than usual have traveled round Inverness and nobody does valves asides from the standard rubber one that is too big.

    (it is too dark for a photo) I have the steel wheels with all the holes drilled around the circumfrance of the wheel standard surf issue( this is an assumption) can anyone tell me where I can order/buy/steal/mug/purchase a set of valves to fit as my next step is getting a can of that trye weld stuff to stop the leak (33psi to 8psi in 24 hours) but not to keen on that as have heard it is more hassle than its worth when you get tyres changed

    Look forward to your help

  • #2
    The valves have their own sealing rings that seal against the rim both sides of the hole in the wheel, so it doesn't matter if the stem is thinner.
    How long have the tyres been on the truck?
    Have you had them replaced recently and the fitter wants to charge you for new valves plus fitting rather than just re-seating the existing valves at his expence?


    • #3
      It would appear to be the sealing rings that have gone.

      The tyres have been on roughly about 9 months (ish) been round a few garges and motor factors and they all just do standard valve stems rather than sealing rings or similair.

      The guy was quite happy to do them at the first garage but said he couldn't as he only stocked standard valves and nothing else but if I could get the bits he would happily do it for me.


      • #4
        Need a photo of your wheels/valves really. I still think it's just a re-seating job though, never heard of a valve leaking where it fits the wheel, unless it was fitted badly before.
        Are they the same valves in the front wheels? Are they leaking?


        • #5
          Originally posted by ABE View Post
          It would appear to be the sealing rings that have gone.

          The tyres have been on roughly about 9 months (ish) been round a few garges and motor factors and they all just do standard valve stems rather than sealing rings or similair.

          The guy was quite happy to do them at the first garage but said he couldn't as he only stocked standard valves and nothing else but if I could get the bits he would happily do it for me.
          Hi was all 4 tyres replaced at the same time? Have you tried a Tyre Place like ATS or similar, I had 5 tyres replaced on a Pajero with no trouble.

          If you are unable to track any slim valves I can ask a freind who works in a Tyre replacement company if he can get slimmer valves for you.


          • #6
            have a look on http://www.tyre-rite.co.uk/AllTerraintyres.aspx
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              I will get photos of them in the morning.

              All was fine until the truck got badly bogged down and had to be pulled out by a erm well we will just say another 4x4.

              I am not fussy about valves i just want to stop having to inflate tyres EVERY morning.

              Front and back tyres all replced at different times but all wheels have original valves.

              With the hassle every morning of inflating tyres I think that gunk that you put inside tyres is looking the easier option


              • #8
                My hubby Neil has just been out to check our wheels, we have 2 metal valves and 2 normal valves, If i remember rightly a tyre fitter should not replace tyres without fitting new valves, but i am sure someone will put me right on that.

                It could be corrosion around the valves and therefore the tyres need to come off and the corrosion needs addressing otherwise it doesn't matter what valve etc is fitted the tyres will still deflate.


                • #9
                  if it's after being bogged that it's started, the most likely cause is that grit or mud and gravel has been forced between the tyre bead and wheel, which means the tyre can no longer seal properly on the rim. A case of breaking the bead, cleaning the rim and reseating the tyre, don't necessarily even need to take the tyre right off the rim to do it.
                  =SOLD UP!=


                  • #10
                    Import wheels do have the slimmer valves in them, standard fitment for UK market is something like 13mm.

                    That said I have just had the same problem and it did appear to be the slimmer type valve but once removed it was found the hole through the rim was the same as the UK standard size.

                    If its not it is as simple as fitting two new O rings washers, one on the outside one on the inside.
                    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                    My 4x4
                    My choice
                    Back off


                    • #11

                      I happened to bump into my mate in tescos tonight who is a tyre fitter, i asked him if there were different sizes of valves and there are, 10mm, 12mm etc but all the bits inside the valve are the same.


                      • #12
                        My tale of woe is no longer the tyre. Though it is still ongoing and thank you all for the info

                        On the way home from work tonight I have developed a clacking noise and very low oil pressure. Have done a quick search since coming home and from previous posts from other people it is looking like it could be the big end that has gone, would this be a reasonable assumption if so is it a DIY job or a garage and what kind of costs?


                        • #13
                          Any ideas of a ball park figure for a big end replacement?


                          • #14
                            If the big end has gone is it cheaper to get it repaired/replaced or get new engine?

                            As the rest of the truck is in good working order and has little to no rust. Looking for serious alternatives as do not want to get rid of truck but need 4X4 for my work girlfriends business and just the sheer off roading pleasure to.

