Hi guys,
I need your
My posting seems to be getting more and more regular which concerns me! fortunately, there only seems to be one reccurring problem with me truck, not lots of them!
I know its a much debated issue, but i needs to ask y'all about overheating and head gaskets! (sorry if its becoming boring for you now)
Basically, my surf seems to have an aversion to speeds above 60mph or inclines, i've done a number of things to rectify this, nothing seems to work, it just seems that i am going to have to accept that if i try and go up a hill or over 60Mph, i will suffer with a very very hot truck!
It all started a few weeks ago, i travelled to Cornwall for a weeks holiday, on the way down, (about 45minutes in to the journey), my temp guage went up from the midway point to about 3/4 of the way up, i slowed and it came down slowly, but each time i accellarated, the turbo came on or i attempted to go up a hill, the temperature would rise sharply, i managed to limp to Cornwall at speeds between 40-50mph which i can tell ya, is no fun on motorways.
Fortunately i was meeting some members of my family, one of who is a mechanic, although i didn't want to bother him on his holiday, it was inevitable, i had had to stop on the way down, top up the water etc.... and also apply some leak fix to the several leaks which my rad had sprung, when he looked at it, he reckoned it would be ok to potter around in until we could get home and give it a proper looking at, to be fair to him, i potterred around very nicely without much drama for the week, until, boom, the radiator starts heamoraging (apologies for poor spelling) steam, we managed to get the radiator professionaly repaired (at a cost of £160.00) and was assured all would be well. On my Journey home it did indeed seem ok, but again, as soon as i hit a hill, (they don't even have to be steep) it began to overheat, it got so bad this time that i had to be recovered from a service station by Green Flag, the guy they sent told me the Head Gasket had gone and put me and the car on the back of a low loader to be towed to a garage.
I called the afore mentioned mechanic and asked for some advice, fortunately he had set of a while after me, and was just passing me as i called, he pulled in a few moments later and reckoned that it was infact nothing to do with any gasket failure, but that the system was pressurirsing because of a blockage in the coolant system, on his advice i drove the car home, albeit slowly, his theory seemed to be validated, there was no misfire, no nasty white somke or any other signs of gasket failure, when we did get home, we decided to thoroughly flush the rad and coolant system, we did this and i was astounded by the muck that came through the pipes and flooded this drive, once connected up, she ran lovely, i was happy that we had avoided a major crisis, i got some coolant flush, and a few days later repeated the process, we wanted to be doubly sure the system was clean, i bought heavy duty rad flush, and the water once flushed ran clean as evian, i was happy, my heaters even started working again! (yay)
I ventured to Wiltshire this weekend, gingerly building up speed, taking it easy on the long slow hills, just in case it all went pete tong, and it did, there i am, stood at the side of a road, steam "persisting" from my expansion tank, cold and frustrated, i wait for it to cool enough to top up the fluids, but its not lost a great deal of water, i'm puzzled!
On the way home, she gets hot, but nothing dramatic, i must stress, that on normal driving, she's fine, the occurances i'm talking about she's full of people and camping gear and doing long laborious motorway journeys, i'm at my wits end, i don't know what to do, i'm assured its not the head, its been flushed, she's not losing water until the pressure really builds up and its only coming from the expansion tank, i really need some ideas of what to try next, sorry this has been such a long thread, i just felt it was importnant to give you the full picture!
You've all already been such a help to me both by direct posts and by the info available through this site, i hope you can help me again!
Many thanks,
I need your

My posting seems to be getting more and more regular which concerns me! fortunately, there only seems to be one reccurring problem with me truck, not lots of them!
I know its a much debated issue, but i needs to ask y'all about overheating and head gaskets! (sorry if its becoming boring for you now)
Basically, my surf seems to have an aversion to speeds above 60mph or inclines, i've done a number of things to rectify this, nothing seems to work, it just seems that i am going to have to accept that if i try and go up a hill or over 60Mph, i will suffer with a very very hot truck!
It all started a few weeks ago, i travelled to Cornwall for a weeks holiday, on the way down, (about 45minutes in to the journey), my temp guage went up from the midway point to about 3/4 of the way up, i slowed and it came down slowly, but each time i accellarated, the turbo came on or i attempted to go up a hill, the temperature would rise sharply, i managed to limp to Cornwall at speeds between 40-50mph which i can tell ya, is no fun on motorways.
Fortunately i was meeting some members of my family, one of who is a mechanic, although i didn't want to bother him on his holiday, it was inevitable, i had had to stop on the way down, top up the water etc.... and also apply some leak fix to the several leaks which my rad had sprung, when he looked at it, he reckoned it would be ok to potter around in until we could get home and give it a proper looking at, to be fair to him, i potterred around very nicely without much drama for the week, until, boom, the radiator starts heamoraging (apologies for poor spelling) steam, we managed to get the radiator professionaly repaired (at a cost of £160.00) and was assured all would be well. On my Journey home it did indeed seem ok, but again, as soon as i hit a hill, (they don't even have to be steep) it began to overheat, it got so bad this time that i had to be recovered from a service station by Green Flag, the guy they sent told me the Head Gasket had gone and put me and the car on the back of a low loader to be towed to a garage.
I called the afore mentioned mechanic and asked for some advice, fortunately he had set of a while after me, and was just passing me as i called, he pulled in a few moments later and reckoned that it was infact nothing to do with any gasket failure, but that the system was pressurirsing because of a blockage in the coolant system, on his advice i drove the car home, albeit slowly, his theory seemed to be validated, there was no misfire, no nasty white somke or any other signs of gasket failure, when we did get home, we decided to thoroughly flush the rad and coolant system, we did this and i was astounded by the muck that came through the pipes and flooded this drive, once connected up, she ran lovely, i was happy that we had avoided a major crisis, i got some coolant flush, and a few days later repeated the process, we wanted to be doubly sure the system was clean, i bought heavy duty rad flush, and the water once flushed ran clean as evian, i was happy, my heaters even started working again! (yay)
I ventured to Wiltshire this weekend, gingerly building up speed, taking it easy on the long slow hills, just in case it all went pete tong, and it did, there i am, stood at the side of a road, steam "persisting" from my expansion tank, cold and frustrated, i wait for it to cool enough to top up the fluids, but its not lost a great deal of water, i'm puzzled!
On the way home, she gets hot, but nothing dramatic, i must stress, that on normal driving, she's fine, the occurances i'm talking about she's full of people and camping gear and doing long laborious motorway journeys, i'm at my wits end, i don't know what to do, i'm assured its not the head, its been flushed, she's not losing water until the pressure really builds up and its only coming from the expansion tank, i really need some ideas of what to try next, sorry this has been such a long thread, i just felt it was importnant to give you the full picture!
You've all already been such a help to me both by direct posts and by the info available through this site, i hope you can help me again!
Many thanks,
