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over heat

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  • over heat

    Hi this is my problem,some months ago I had the over heating problem on the surf 2.4 turbo auto 93 model had the smoke and boiling thing,so thought it was the head,anyway it turn's out that the rad was blocked solid so had new one fitted with new pipes,m o t done on it 'emmission was fine, lasted ok for 6 weeks to and thro to work 100 miles a day then up the temp went again this time new pump fitted new thermo state and cap again fine for 2 days then on way home temp up and down like a yo yo when throtle down BACKto normal' in traffic goes back up,took it back to garage had lost some water TOPPED UP
    took out thermo state filled up and ran it noticed that water pumps out of exspantion pipe ,just cant seem to work this out anymore anyone have any clues


  • #2
    Blocked pipes going to the rear heater?
    Air-lock still circulating around the cooling system?


    • #3

      well will look into that tommorow, must be something like that,Ive no smoke no oil in water no water in oil,runs fine just this over heating problem
      cheers for reply


      • #4
        Originally posted by ricbos View Post
        Hi this is my problem,some months ago I had the over heating problem on the surf 2.4 turbo auto 93 model had the smoke and boiling thing,so thought it was the head,anyway it turn's out that the rad was blocked solid so had new one fitted with new pipes,m o t done on it 'emmission was fine, lasted ok for 6 weeks to and thro to work 100 miles a day then up the temp went again this time new pump fitted new thermo state and cap again fine for 2 days then on way home temp up and down like a yo yo when throtle down BACKto normal' in traffic goes back up,took it back to garage had lost some water TOPPED UP
        took out thermo state filled up and ran it noticed that water pumps out of exspantion pipe ,just cant seem to work this out anymore anyone have any clues


        Hi Have you had it to a garage and asked them to do head gasket test ?(the thing that tests for gases in the water?) when you say that water is coming out of the exspantion bottle pipe it sounds like there is back pressure there this might be a head gasket problem I had the same problem with mine but the garage that fixed it for me the first time used the wrong gasket depending on which Surf you have there is 3 gaskets for them. I replaced the gasket myself got the right 1 from Roughtrax also new head bolts and she has been ok now for over 2 yrs now (touch wood).

        Hope this helps

        Steve. <*)))><
        The wheels on my Surf go round and round


        • #5
          over heat

          well garage has checked head gasket fine no problems there,car runs fine apart from water still pumping out of exspantion pipe when running therefore over heat because loosing water,now thay think could be the housing whare the rad cap fits on,as everthing thay say has been checked out,this is starting to drive me nuts ,not to mention the cost, can any body help me
          please,any idea's


          • #6
            Its rarely the GASKET, HEADS crack near valves.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              over heat

              hi the thing we cant uderstand is had new rad running fine temp normal for 6 weeks then over heat had new pump running fine 2 days now this water dumping out of overflow pipe when running, there's now water in the oil cleane as when it went in,also no oil in the water, before the rad was fitted there would be a lot of smoke , but there is no smoke from back now , starts first time runs good no problems there, if there was a cracked head then surly it would show more signes then just dumping out the water


              • #8
                over heat

                sorry ment No water in the oil, when oil cap of still nice black couler no milky stuff


                • #9
                  do you know how the garage tested the head,did they do a sniffer test.?the thing with a sniffeer test is if you get any of the coolant in the glass pipette when you squeeze the the bulb it renders the test useless.


                  • #10

                    did the head and block test with the fluid stayed blue


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ricbos View Post
                      did the head and block test with the fluid stayed blue
                      i would get it tested again just to be certain.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ricbos View Post
                        sorry ment No water in the oil, when oil cap of still nice black couler no milky stuff
                        You wont find this Usually as head cracks near valves
                        (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                        • #13
                          I've had two 2.4s the first one I experienced similar problems to you. I replaced over a period of two years all the things that you have. The condition always improved and the temperature seemed to stabilise but it would often blow water out of the expansion after turning off the ignition. It kept going on regular top ups of water for some time until the other common problem occured i.e. the big end went. When I stripped the engine I discovered that there appeared to be a hair line crack between the valves on no.4.
                          My second surf I had only had for a month it showed no signs of over heating problems but occasionally blew water from the expansion. Then on a short drive into town then temperature went up and suddenly and turned the truck into a mobile sauna. When I removed this head it had an obvious crack between the vales on no.4 and bad pitting between bores 3 and 4.
                          Sorry to have been so long winded but I think you'll find that the above experience has been shared by many on and off this site (there are many overheating threads).
                          By all means check for air locks I hope it is that simple. But I would also get the head test done again and may be a compression check it might show a difference on no. 4.


                          • #14
                            over heat

                            Just thought to update on the over heating problem I had,just incase anybody else might have this problem , well all seems to be ok now temp needle not even at halfway mark now,what the problem was ,was the rad cap housing, put a new one on and another cap this time from toyota,
                            running smooth as a nut now ,thanks for all the replys


                            • #15
                              Rad cap housing? Do you mean thermostat or the actual housing ,what could be wrong with that? I had the same problems as you, changed Tstat and rad cap and all was fine for 1 week and now eratic temp ,cold blowers again.

