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Strange noise

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  • Strange noise

    Finally got the air con re-gassed after I undone incorrect nut and released previous gas into space. The guy who re-gassed it said it was a direct replacement for the R14 which was in it. It may be totally unconnected, but with the aircon running, I'm getting a 'ratchet' type sound intermittently, which sounds like its coming from behind the glove box. This occurs every 30 - 45 seconds, only with the air-con running, and lasts for about 2-3 seconds. Annoyingly it won't do it when idling, so I can't get the bonnet up and try and identify where it's coming from.

    Anyone had this before or have an idea what it could be?
    If you play with fire.....

  • #2
    the air con relays are behind the small cover below the radio, might be worth giving this a try http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/aircon.htm
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Originally posted by nero279 View Post
      the air con relays are behind the small cover below the radio, might be worth giving this a try http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/aircon.htm

      Ok, thanks Nero. The article seems to suggest a constant chattering, which is certainly the right description of the noise, I guess this could start intermittent and progresssively get worse? I'm not sure where he's soldering the wire in 'D' either. Anyone actually done this? I'm assuming he's earthing the 2 PCB's together.

      Thanks again.
      If you play with fire.....


      • #4
        Most Surfs do not have the AC Module in that position. It's here on the housing behind the glove box.




        • #5
          Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
          Most Surfs do not have the AC Module in that position. It's here on the housing behind the glove box.


          Had a quick look and yep, thats where mine is, so thanks for that Nev. Does the 'chattering' sound like earth problem to you, and if so is procedure the same as Nero advised?

          If you play with fire.....


          • #6
            learn something new everyday, i'd just assumed that's where they all was, coz that's where it was on my 1st surf, i think it's there on this one aswell, but can't say i've taken much notice of what's down there. I think i've only had the cover off once just to run some wires.
            =SOLD UP!=

