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Cold Start Problem, not glow plugs!!!???

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  • Cold Start Problem, not glow plugs!!!???

    My Surf has been getting progresivley harder to start during the last month. It takes 4-5 goes to get her running now, heaps of smoke when it starts, but fine after a minute or two.

    I changed the glow plugs last night, but it hasn't made any difference.

    I tested the plugs I removed and they are all 0.7-0.8 OHMs resistance (1 being normal), which I don't think is that bad anyway.

    When I took the air filter hose off, where is crosses the engine block, I noticed it was full of oil. Is that normal?

    Once the car is warm, it doesn't have any problem starting.

    Any help would greatly be appreciated. I'm at the point now where I might sell the ###### thing and cut my losses!

  • #2
    Check you have power to the glow plugs. There is an 80 amp fuse for them and also a fusible link in the wire from the fuse box to the glow plug relay. I know this because I replaced my glow plugs and the fuse and link both blew. Turned out I had the wrong glow plugs.


    • #3
      try it tonight

      Hi, thanks I'll check the relay tonight and report back. (been waiting for my mate to get back from his hols with his ohm metre!)


      • #4
        Nearly There

        I checked and the fuse has blown. They were out of stock at the garage, but I should be able to get them in today.

        For anyone else that encounters this problem...

        I detected a short in the system. The wiring to the glow plug buss bar was on wrong causing a short in the system. It should go like this:

        1.Blue Spacer
        2.Buss Bar Plate
        3.Wiring Plate
        4.Black Spacer
        5.Washer & Nut

        I'll get the new fuse in and report back.

        Also, the 80amp fuse is an arrse to get out. You have to unbolt the fuse box with a 13mm Socket. Release the 80amp fuse clip on the top, and push the fuse down and out of the bottom of the box. Then use a philips screwdriver to get the male fuse out. Make sure you disconect the batteries first!

