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black smoke even with egr tied off

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  • black smoke even with egr tied off

    hi all just bought a new truck made the trip back from york to manchester with no problems whats so ever about a week ago however over the last couple of days have noticed a huge increase in heavy black smoke have been reading all the threads but cant seem to find anything that fits my problem

    i have already tried the egr ball bearing and tiewrap trick
    bottle of redex
    air filter seems fine
    fuel filter not long since been replaced and has been running fine
    no lose of power and sounds fine however there is another issue that started around the same time related? within the first 10-15mins of running the warning light next to the turbo light comes on and revs seem to increase and fall and the truck somtimes lurches foward

    please please help as i have only had this one for two weeks as the big end went on my last truck so im not going to be happy if i have bought a lemon this truck is a 2.4 ssr-g K reg my last truck was a 2.4 ssrx L reg which i still have for any compatible parts apart from big end and dont really wont to use anything major off the engine as i dont trust it

    thanks guys
    Last edited by BAV1; 30 May 2008, 23:36.

  • #2
    please please help as i am planning a long trip next week and dont wont to drive it unless i can find out whats causing the problem im suspecting an overboost problem

    i have read about the engine error codes read by juming two pins under the bonnet does anyone ahve any pics of where to find this connection and which pins to jump along with a step by step on how to retrieve the error codes



    • #3
      Sounds like your turbo is shot.
      The smoke could be from oil leaking past the seals.
      Get it re-conned asap or you'll end up with bits of destroyed turbo in your engine if you leave it too long.
      Get a second opinion by all means but if your turbo light is on then it's a fair bet it's paggered.



      • #4
        If your turbo is knackered i got a 2.4 turbo here that i can send next day delivery if your desperate for it.I'll send it gaurenteed 1pm next day delivery £100 all inc.All i got to do is pack it up and post it tomorrow if i get funds today for it


        • #5
          Black smoke is fuel related and points to overfueling or some other problem with the pump or injectors. Leaky turbo seals will produce blue smoke.



          • #6
            Diagnostics and error codes.




            • #7
              Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
              Black smoke is fuel related and points to overfueling or some other problem with the pump or injectors. Leaky turbo seals will produce blue smoke.

              i was also thinking along these lines not convinced its the turbo as lights up as i would expect and sounds normal

              and the smoke is thick black smoke was hoping to retriev the error codes today but its p*****g it down

              where would you start nev

              thanks for the offer stormforce but i do have a ssrx as a donor

              cheers jon


              • #8
                Originally posted by BAV1 View Post
                where would you start nev
                Error codes. Let me know what you get.



                • #9
                  will do nev i assume the connections are labelled e1 and te1 if not dont suppose you could send me a pic showing me which is which as knowing my luck i would short somthing out

                  thanks jon
                  Last edited by BAV1; 1 June 2008, 11:26.


                  • #10
                    just need a bit of clarification on the egr debate

                    as i understand it from reading different threads there are 2 egr mods

                    1 involves disconnecting the rubber hose placing a bearing in it an tie wrapping it off

                    2 involves removing the whole egr untit and blanking off the metal pipes with blanking plates

                    my question is do they have the same result or does removing the unit alltogther give better results as i have already done option 1 but still have smoke



                    • #11
                      The terminal position should be marked inside the cover. Here's a pic.

                      The EGR valve can sometimes be faulty and stuck open so blanking it off would solve this problem.



                      • #12
                        thanks for that nev brightening up a little so will try and get the codes today

                        re. egr am i right in sying then that even if the small rubber hose is detached and blocked the egr itself still interacts in some way with the engine

                        thanks for all your help


                        • #13
                          If the EGR Valve is operating correctly then blocking the hose will disable it and prevent it opening as long as it not seixed up and allready stuk in the open position. Along with blocking this hose you should also block one other. Have a read through this thread where I have a diagram, explanation and details on what hoses should be blocked and what the various VSVs do.




                          • #14
                            thanks not sure if the pic supplied on that thread is the same as mine any chance of a pic showing exactly which hoses to disconnect im hoping this will cure the black smoke as i said earlier drove all the way back from york without any suprised it has got so bad over sucha short period of time im hoping this means nothing major as aprt from the engine warning light no lose in power starts perfectly in the morning and pretty good on fuel

                            thanks again


                            • #15
                              hi nev found this pic in your other thread i have marked the hose in green that i have disconnected do i also need to disconnect the one in red or reconnect the red and disconnect the green should this stop my smoke problem

                              although the pic looks slightly different the cable i have disconnected is located nearest the center of the engine and closest to the windscreen i have a K reg 2.4 ssr-g if it helps

                              thanks for your time nev i really appriciate it
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by BAV1; 1 June 2008, 16:00.

