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Heater trouble

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  • Heater trouble

    Hello again!

    Change oil and oil filter,Change fuel filter with a mega dose of redex applied. Changed air filter to.

    Running sweet she is but I can not seem to get any heat from the heater.

    We flushed the collant system today, no water in footwells flush the whole system and added more coolant.

    When you change the heater control if does not go from defrost to footwell very well. there is a white plastice arm under dash supposes to change but looks like it is struggling.

    I have read some old posts and I do not think its an airlock issue, both the input hose to matrix and the out let hose get warm and we flushed the cooling system with the heater control to on.

    What is my next step? The matrix is not blocked or we would not have water come out the other end. where is the heat going?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


  • #2
    Could still be a restriction in the heater matrix allowing water through, but not enough water to keep the matrix warm with the fan running. Can you find the tap on the heater matrix or in the hose and check it is operating? It could be a cable come off or bending rather than operating the valve.


    • #3
      will have a look. thanks. hope its sanything but replacing the Matrix

