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HELP Please! - serious lack of power...

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  • HELP Please! - serious lack of power...

    Hi all,

    got a 2.4td efi 1991 surf...

    All of a sudden it has lost a serios ammount of power...

    Yesterday morning io noticed a bit lacking in the morning.... but in the evenin when i went to leave work it was completly guttles...

    no warning lights have come on.... checked all the obvios, - fuel, fuel filter, air filter etc.... no problems....

    but still guttles... and i mean guttless... i struggled to get to 50 on the dual carraigway on way home...

    any clues??? HELP! thanks.


  • #2
    You need to check the fault codes. Check this post for info on how to do that.

    It may be that the system has gone into 'limp home' mode for some reason. I believe that you can reset that by disconnecting the batteries (both of them if you have 2) for about 30 minutes. But get the fault codes first before you do that and report them back here.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!


    • #3
      Is your turbo light coming on? Can you hear it? Could be a vacuum pipe come loose.


      • #4
        turbo light is coming on, and yes i can here it...

        ive just been reading frew a few other posts about simular problems.. lol but none seem the same...

        i thought if it went into limp mode the engine warning light came on (the one that is adjacent to the turbo light)


        • #5
          just pull the fault codes off mate and see if there is any thing apparent
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            cheers dude, will do when i get home later


            • #7
              riteo then...

              no fault codes... lol

              but ive got a feeling it is lack of pressure coming from the turbo due to an air leak...

              where as before me revving it not moving the turbo light would come on at about 2k- 2.5k revs, now cumming on at about 3-3.5k revs...

              any more ideas anyone? lol


              • #8
                sounds turbo sensor ish.
                is the vacumn pipe and mutli plug attached securely.(its the sensor bolted on to the air filter)
                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #9
                  Check that the small rubber vacuum hose is securely connected, (in the green circle in this photo....)


                  • #10
                    if you can hear the turbo spooling up then youv got a split hose to or from the turbo, easier to stick a hand round each to feel for problems or splits if u cant feel anything have someone rev it while you have a listen under the bonnet.

