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Maybe, just maybe...

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  • Maybe, just maybe...

    Had the dreaded overheat on 2.4, only the once, but shat meself and got ready to hand over best part of a grand to Stevo.

    However, with advice from you guys, thanks btw, I've changed stat, rad cap, burped system etc. and 200 miles of driving later, all is fine. No more overheating or expansion tank discharge whatsoever. Also got a good few litres of Makros finest in the fuel tank, and has never run better.

    But.... on changing the stat, the existing one had been a tad modified, ie the guts had been removed so effectively it didn't have one. I'm guessing someone done this in response to it overheating at some point, which is a bit of a worry. I've had a test for combustion gases in the coolant done, and the guy said ' theres a minute amount showing (0.4) but nowt to worry about, and very little pressure in the hoses, so you're ok'

    Does any at all mean I'm screwed, or can I spend the grand saved so far on mods for me truck?

    Any advice appreciated.
    If you play with fire.....

  • #2
    if its been tested then it should be ok but it could still go,just keep an eye on it for the time before spending the money to be on the safe side


    • #3
      That means I gotta be sensible Rich, and I struggle with that But I know thats good advice. Also since new stat temp now sits just below half, and don't move, now matter how much of a kicking I give it. Would this possibly indicate head already been done but some numpty forgot to change stat? (yes, that is the sound of straws being clutched!!!)
      If you play with fire.....


      • #4
        Your a bit like me then .... lol

        half way or just under is about normal on the standard gauge so it should be ok.Is a tow bar been fitted atall cause pulling heavy loads the temp will rise a bit and thats what may be the reason for doing what they did to the stat.I would think you would be alright,but just take it steady and keep an eye on it as already said.


        • #5
          i would wait a while ......from experience if you do not find a obivious reason it might be in the early stages of a problem.......

          I have had two overheats on the 2nd gen (woodzie) and both have been due to mud in the rad and no other problems , Others like jon (the caretaker ) had it happen for no reason then the head let go 6 months later .....the 2.4 can be a b1tch sometimes
          ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


          • #6
            Originally posted by bu5hwack3r View Post
            Would this possibly indicate head already been done but some numpty forgot to change stat? (yes, that is the sound of straws being clutched!!!)
            My V6 had the head gaskets changed and the stat wasn't touched. Had to keep it above 70 to get it warm enough for the gearbox controller to allow overdrive. Then I got a new stat (in case anyone was wondering).

            If it's not the head, it's more likely to have been the rad cap was knackered and said numpty cut the middle out of the stat to 'keep it cooler' and stop it boiling up.

