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Rear Door - 2.4 TD SSR-X 1992

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  • Rear Door - 2.4 TD SSR-X 1992

    Hi there

    Have done a stupid thing & managed to close the rear door on my surf while the door catch cocked halfway.
    Having taken the panel off of the rear door, I was able to free the lock mechanism, but noticed that a small coiled brass coloured spring (about size of 5p) has worked loose from somewhere and I am able to close the rear door, but not open it, unless I manually release it through the open panel.
    I've ordered a owner's manual, but that won't arrive for another 7-10 days!!
    Any help/pointers pppppllllease !!!!!
    Submission?...Now that's a bit of a problem.

  • #2
    I've never looked inside a surf door to be honest, but is the handle loose at all? There's normally a cable that runs from the handle to the release mechanism and it may have jammed.

    Clues here

    Last edited by Sancho; 16 April 2008, 14:20.


    • #3
      Rear Door - 2.4 TD SSR-X 1992

      Cheers Sancho
      Won't be able to have a proper butcher's till i get home tonight-the surf is going through MOT as we speak
      Thanks for the link by the way...any ideas on that little coil spring that was mentioned...?

      Peace & respect man
      Submission?...Now that's a bit of a problem.

