I had my car fully inspected last thursday. The results of the test werent all that good.
The major problems were:
bottom tank of radiator leeking coolant
This is quite bad. leeks pretty constant, coolant level always quite low because of it. Should i replace the radiator with a 2.8l one? have the current one re-cored? change the thermostat to a more suitable heat range for aussie? suggestions please.
turbo not boosting
This is kinda sad for me car doesnt drive that good. quite slow. i can hear the turbo spooling, but it doesnt have any boost. the guys at the 4wd place suggested to get a compression/leekage test before going ahead and looking at fixing this kinda problem, coz head might be gone...
The car also goes thru a bit of oil. has a few leeks from motor at sump rear main and tappet cover. on cold starts lately, have noticed whiteish smoke. could this be a sign the turbo is screwed???
THanks for your help guys
I had my car fully inspected last thursday. The results of the test werent all that good.
The major problems were:
bottom tank of radiator leeking coolant
This is quite bad. leeks pretty constant, coolant level always quite low because of it. Should i replace the radiator with a 2.8l one? have the current one re-cored? change the thermostat to a more suitable heat range for aussie? suggestions please.
turbo not boosting
This is kinda sad for me car doesnt drive that good. quite slow. i can hear the turbo spooling, but it doesnt have any boost. the guys at the 4wd place suggested to get a compression/leekage test before going ahead and looking at fixing this kinda problem, coz head might be gone...
The car also goes thru a bit of oil. has a few leeks from motor at sump rear main and tappet cover. on cold starts lately, have noticed whiteish smoke. could this be a sign the turbo is screwed???
THanks for your help guys