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Starting problem..

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  • Starting problem..

    So I go out this morning try to start the beast, no dice, then the battery died, tried to start it with a car starter, no dice, when I looked under the bonnet I can only see one battery, I do have the rear heater, so where is the other one, and did it not start due to rubbish batteries, or any other suggestions... and no suggestions I take it back because I'm too stupid to have a car!!!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Gaspode View Post
    So I go out this morning try to start the beast, no dice, then the battery died, tried to start it with a car starter, no dice, when I looked under the bonnet I can only see one battery, I do have the rear heater, so where is the other one, and did it not start due to rubbish batteries, or any other suggestions... and no suggestions I take it back because I'm too stupid to have a car!!!!
    How old is it? There will be a big gap if there's a battery missing.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
      How old is it? There will be a big gap if there's a battery missing.

      1991, where would it be if I had one?


      • #4
        Same place as the one that's there, but on the other side.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
          Same place as the one that's there, but on the other side.

          so I'm lookin for a gap then.. god I hope the wiring is still there..

          what size batteries do I need, sorry to be such a klutz, but in my defence I'm a girl and I'm blonde!!!


          • #6
            fill out your profile will help others.

            some of the trucks only come with 1 batt unless u have the winter pack. if u have only got 1 then i assume that is all u have. go to a toyota dealer near yourself they reasonablly priced


            • #7
              Just a little update, in case anybody was losing sleep!

              Me and the bloke next door discovered the fuel pump was getting fuel to it, but not enough was getting into the injectors, so we tried all sorts and finally discovered a clip was a bit slack and air was getting in to it, a new jubilee clip later and she sprang into life!!

              Thank god for neighbours!!

