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Glow plugs

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  • Glow plugs

    Was wondering if anyone out there had changed their glowplugs to a manual push button type ie hold a button down for a few seconds , release and away you go.I have a 2lt e that i have converted to mech pump due to wiring failure ant help or a wee diagram would be great.

  • #2
    i have heard of it being done, normally the glowplugs would have two phases, a pre-heat, and an afterglow. so i'm not sure whether you would need to work that into the system at all, or whether that would be done by the glowplug relay, if so a momentary push button on the switching circuit side of the relay should do the job i would think.

    Best bet is to get at a fully working one with the original glowplug setup with a multimeter/test probe and see what signals the relay glowplug relay get's when the car is started normally - once you got that you can start to design a switching circuit to replicate those signals - should be easy enough though.
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