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New Road Tax

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  • New Road Tax

    Can anyone advise me on what it would cost me to tax my Surf next year been looking at the new figures but doesent seen to mention older cars band is the surf in band G in my opinion this green tax is another excuse to swindle money out of the hard working British public.

    Many thanks for help in tis matter


  • #2
    hi chris i have just taxed my truck online and it is a 1994 3.0l and cost £101.75 for 6 months


    • #3
      If i got it right i think it will be around £190-195 for 12 months


      • #4
        As far as I am aware it's only the post 2001 vehicles that are affected, as they have the emmissions figures on those vehicles, and as yet have just lumped all the other vehicles into one band, of about £190.00 rising £5.00 per year until they can find a way of screwing us over too.

        Still working for the man!


        • #5
          Thanks for that fellas sorry forgot to mention that i have just taxed mine begining of this month cost me £185 odd for the year was just worred because people at work were talking £1000s of pounds to me. found out that is for new 4x4s on their first year of tax makes me wonder why because if you can buy a £60 000 motor a £1000 tax is nothing to the rich it hits the middle class hard workers the most as always.



          • #6

            Also look at http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/road-tax/

            Whilst the Surf isn't listed the 4Runner is.


            • #7
              According to that chart, if I read it right, Grahams Poomobile will be taxed at about £90 a year, as his emmissions were 125 ( no data on what that is) but he runs his on a % of veg oil.

              Still working for the man!


              • #8
                Very good bob, but you missing 1 small point - the chart is for cars registered AFTER March 2001, the Poomobile will be a PRE 2001 truck, his emissions will not be counted.

                Mind you it's just as well, imagine if they measured all emissions, the Yeti would need a mortgage
                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #9
                  This will help
                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
                    Very good bob, but you missing 1 small point - the chart is for cars registered AFTER March 2001, the Poomobile will be a PRE 2001 truck, his emissions will not be counted.
                    Yes, I realise that, but I wondered if the emmisions were actally that low when running on veg oil, then why has this not been looked into by the green lobby and the powers that be??

                    Also according to your chart, the duty on vehicles using "alternative" fuels is £15 a year, so can we class veg oil as " alternative"?

                    Secondly, if you class the vehicle as light goods, then its cheaper too, food for thought.

                    Still working for the man!


                    • #11
                      We are stuffed on emissions as there are no manufacturer's figures, unfortunately no matter how much veg we use we will never get alternate fuel status - ie surfs are not made to be duel fuel - ps the alternate fuel is in post 2001 registrations as are the good vehicles settings
                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #12
                        The other consideration may be to fit a post 2001 engine that will have emissions figures, the only down side I guess would be the cubic capacity, I guess they'll screw us one way or another, we're just better off as we are, until they move the goal posts again.

                        Still working for the man!


                        • #13
                          You got it, with our current bunch of thieving b**turds if you stick your head above the parapet they will tax you to beyond the grave
                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #14
                            Car Tax for 1996 Surf First Registered 2007

                            I still would like guidance on what my tax will be.

                            The car is a 1996 Surf. Diesel. 3litre. It was registered in JAPAN in 1996 and driven there. Then imported by me in 2007. So it was first registered in UK in 2007, albeit with an N Reg to indicate its age I assume.

                            Anyone know for sure what the tax will be ?


                            • #15
                              the tax should be £101 and a few pence for 6months

