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3L oil leaking upon engine start

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  • 3L oil leaking upon engine start

    hello all respected gentlemen of the hilux surf world.

    well, i was able to change my engine from 2LTE to 3L (2.8). Now I got a simple concern which I found out only yesterday while I was parked to run some errands.

    I noticed that while the engine is idling, i noticed an alarming leak underneath and I think it's oil. And I mean it is really dripping fast.

    the last time I remember that there was an oil leak before coming from underneath but it was fixed already by the mechanic by putting on a gasket.

    could it be that the new leak came from the same source like before?

    thank you very much for the time and effort in tossing your advices.


  • #2
    Are you sure it's oil, and not fuel from the injection pump??

    Still working for the man!


    • #3
      Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
      Are you sure it's oil, and not fuel from the injection pump??
      yes sir, it is indeed oil. smelled it and sure it's not diesel.


      • #4
        Have you double checked that the oil filter is on correctly & the turbo feed & return pipes are not leaking?
        Bring me the head of a treehugger


        • #5
          Originally posted by coolsv650 View Post
          Have you double checked that the oil filter is on correctly & the turbo feed & return pipes are not leaking?
          yes sir, i have the oil filter checked and it's secured well. though i don't have any turbo with the 3L engine.

          what else could be the source of this oil leak? haven't crawled underneath to get a better view.


          • #6
            I would suggest that you get a tub of "gunk" and give the engine a good going over, then jet wash everything, then you'll have a clean engine, and you'll have a better chance of seeing where the leak is coming from.

            Still working for the man!


            • #7
              Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
              I would suggest that you get a tub of "gunk" and give the engine a good going over, then jet wash everything, then you'll have a clean engine, and you'll have a better chance of seeing where the leak is coming from.
              last saturday, i sent my whitey to another mechanic for the former mechanic who changed my engine simply told me, that he's still busy with other jobs in his shop. oh my, considering that this is actually a back job for him cause it's just a month and a half since my surf rolled out from his shop. the first time, i noticed the leak, he pulled out the engine again and put a gasket between the engine block and the crank case. and even assured me that it will be okay now. yet i payed him again for his labor for that....

              finally, the new mechanic showed me where the leak is coming from... and you guessed it, it's coming from the crank case again.

              can i ask you gentlemen, if it's really necessary to put a rubber gasket at the crank case? or you just use high temp sealant to seal it? i just want to be sure, for i went to a genuine toyota parts importer and they told me that, rubber gasket isn't advisable to use, because there was no rubber gasket in there in the first place.

              the real story behind was that, when the former mechanic put the 3L engine to replace my 2LTE, he used the crank case of the latter (2LTE) instead of the 3L.

              thank you very much again

